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Post 1


I took delivery of two Quintessence live CDs today - three-plus hours of music from 1970 & 1971.

Also the 'new' Hendrix album, Up Uranus (it is actually called Valleys of Neptune, but I prefer my title).

Shepherd's Pie for tea.

Miah was out til the back of two this afternoon. If she doesn't come when I'm leaving the house, she is out for the duration. Miah was very hungry. She cleaned her dish and I have given her some raw lamb mince for when she wakes up - she is currently laid down doggo (a strange condition for a cat, possibly).

I had cawfee and a fruit scone and jam for breakfast in town. I picked up a copy of the Shea/Anton-Wilson Illuminatus Trilogy, second-hand, for £3.50. I bought wine for tonight. A bolshy big robust ol' Chilean red at 15% abv, which will see us through a coupla X Files.

I got back from Embra at approaching 9 last night. I had been cramped, corralled, hemmed-in and encroached upon all the way back up on the train and had a sore back, a sore bahookey and sore legs. The day's work in Embra had been hard and stressful but it means £££s and £££S are handy things with Council Tax and a probable new car purchase in the offing, and I have a high-maintenance tropy (first) wife...


Actually, come to think of it, I still owe her a birthday present.

The hotel my colleagues were booked into was just about on the right side of average to mediocre but the breakfast was very good and I was, like, zzzzzzzzzzz as soon as my head hit the pillow. My two work colleagues and I entered the bar's quiz night, and came 4th out of 7. We only had three on our team whereas the others all had 4 - 6 team members. We held out end up. It was my first quiz in nigh-on 20 years.

The pub quizzes I used to go to were organised by the guy wearing the Celtic FC top in this video -

I was in a team called The Mudsharks. I was drafted in to replace a team member who had a diary clash, and the team won that night, for the first time ever so I was kept on for a while. I remember coming up with the two answers at the very end of the quiz which clinched us victory (from, funnily enough, Mr Celtic FC top's team) - Who wrote The Neked and the Dead, and who recorded the LP Tago-Mago.

Peet went to some of the quizzes, and was sometimes on othe team.

There was a team calle The Leo Sayer Fan Club. They ALWAYS finished last, but they came back every week and treated us to their trademark team chant of Leo Leo.

Mr Celtic FC top - och, his name is in the video, it is Gino - ran a profitable wee like in Pub Quizzes in the late 80s-mid 90s. He was on Countdown a few times, but I never saw watched the show. He had a pal, a Teacher, called, I think, Anderson. Anderson had a perm and a Mediterranean complexion, and all of the sadistic irony of Donald Sutherland in MASH. He was a teacher. He died young. He would have scared me as a teacher.

I took delivery of three Agatha Christie facsimile editions this week - Five Little Pigs, Murder in the Mews and ELephands Can Remember. I am waiting for Curtain to arrive. I like the Christie facsimilie editions. I have started off on Pigs.

I listened to the Victorian seances BBC R4 Saturday Play this afternoon. It was good and atmospheric, but, ultimately, went nowhere.

I went down to the Uni to do some printing. I don't like the place any more. I don't like going there. I want to be shot of it. I have been there too long, but am handcuffed to it for another two years at least...



Post 2


Great book. I read it when it first came out and had to wait for the third volume to be published to find out what happens. I took it seriously the first time: it was only after I had learned some German that I realised it was complete p*ss take on the conspiracy theorists. It's still in the bookcase and I re-read it from time to time. I bought a copy for offspring for Xmas but he doesn't seem to have read it even though he is into conspiracy themed computer games.

Gungamai is also a great track but I was never that keen on the rest of Quintessence.

Risotto for tea.


PS. You misspelled stroppy in your description of Susan.


Post 3


Och, there are some other guid tracks - there's one about 'everything's great in Notting Hill Gate' that kicks of with a match being struck, and is all chilled and slinky.

Susan has just come through and swiped some of my cawffee.

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