This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


I have just shifted a coupla thousand LPs off their shelves, dusted them, washed and dried the shelves and the wall behind and then reshelved the whole lot again. I was noticing a cardboard in shed smell in the unaired living room and pulled down some LPs to have a look. Basically, dust and muck had been going down the back of the shelves and sticking to the wall, and, unventilated, had been getting a bit clarty. There was no penetrating damp or anything, just dirt. It came off no problem and the wall dried to touch-dry. The job took me four hours. It gave the cat a new interest in life. I found loads of old LPs I had completely forgotten about.

The living room now stinks of cardboard in a shed and is being aired.

I will haul a couple hundred LPs down in a month or so to do a spot check.

All of this distracted me from my proper scheduled work of filleting all of the 1449 Act possession cases out of Rankine and Paton & Cameron then doing a Westlaw/Lexis trawl for them. If I can't get them on the law DBs I'll have to get them from the Taylor Library. I'll need to go there anyway to copy 20 or so pasges from Morrison's Dictionary.

It rained this morning. VWind-less vrtical rain in moderate sunlight. It is chill but not frosty.

Lamb for tea. Susan is veg boxing. I am in Edinburgh tomorrow. That won't stop me from having a couple glasses of wine tonight, though.



Post 2


6.40pm Wednesday 11 October 2009 - there is something on BBC R4 now - right NOW - that is so awful, so drek, so pants, so toe-curlingly bad that it sets new standards in BAD. It is Count Arthur Strong raised to the power of infinity. It is truly truly truly toilet. It is this:

Boy! It is foul. It stinks. It has no redeeming feature whatsoever.

Well done BBC Radio 4.



Post 3

DruglessBrain Hmmm... somebody thinking alike. I'll keep an eye on the thread. It may prove popular. Douglas


Post 4


I posted the wrong link in the second post above. I had meant to post a link to the comedy shows homepage. Instead I posted a link to a rather entertaining zombie drama podcast. Best avoid it - sorry for the mistake. Mind you, if PJ's O/H is lurking you might enjoy it.



Post 5


Not a great zombie movie fan. I prefer the classic Hammer and Roger Corman Poe films.

However, Radio times describes next Sunday's Dr. Who as the Doctor plus zombies. What more could you ask for?


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