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Post 1


Motherwell went OK. The place is pure unreconstructed 1970's town planning, given that since the demise of mining and the steel industry in the area there hasn't been any £££s for redevelopment. Therefore, we had lunch in a Wimpy - waitress service, coke in a (plastic) glass, and 70's cooking.

I met my niece - she of RSAMD - yesterday and treated her to a very nice tho' £30 lunch.

I have spent the day bashing out more and more wrots that I'll have 20 or so hours on Monday/Tuesday to cut down from XXXXX to 11,000.

Pork for tea.



Post 2


Apparently the downstairs neighbour has twice this week clocked a dodgy guy walking a staffie up in the cul de sac having a good neb, clockin' the hooses and, the second time, trying car door handles, this all this very recently.

Memo to self - put digi camera on the front bedroom windowsill and peep out occasionally. Warn Susan re. keeping the Fabergé in the car.



Post 3


Blimey, Douglas, I'm impressed!
You found somewhere in Motherwell that cost as much as £15 a head for lunch?
Are you sure that you weren't overcharged because you were whistling a different sectarian tune?


Post 4


Lunch was in Glasgow. A very nice cafe in Sauchihall Street just round the corner from RSMAD. Dinner in Motherwell was in the Alona Hotel - the best of the Motherwell hotels food-wise, but hotel food is invariably microwave or boil in the bag. When my employer is picking up the tab then I will unfailingly go for steak, it at least has to be shown a grill. One annoying new fad, for which I blame The Hairy Bikers - rubic cube assemblies of big fat chips but no more real than those Wimpy extrusions.

Hello PJ's Oh by the way.


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