This is the Message Centre for BITE ME!!!!!!!!


Post 1

BITE ME!!!!!!!!

smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - cappuccinosmiley - coffeesmiley - drunksmiley - emptysmiley - hangoversmiley - ojsmiley - milksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwinesmiley - stoutsmiley - teasmiley - burgersmiley - cakesmiley - cheesecakesmiley - crispssmiley - cupcakesmiley - donutsmiley - flansmiley - hotdogsmiley - porkpiesmiley - popcornsmiley - toffeeapple


Post 2

BITE ME!!!!!!!!

smiley - angelsmiley - cupidsmiley - devilsmiley - elf<fairysmiley - ghostsmiley - magicsmiley - monstersmiley - skullsmiley - vampiresmiley - witchsmiley - wizardsmiley - zoomsmiley - antsmiley - batsmiley - blacksheepsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - bunnysmiley - catsmiley - chicksmiley - dogsmiley - fishsmiley - hsifsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - mousesmiley - pandasmiley - peacedovesmiley - ponysmiley - sharksmiley - sheepsmiley - spider


Post 3


smiley - aliensmilesmiley - earthsmiley - marssmiley - martianfrownsmiley - moonsmiley - fullmoonsmiley - crescentmoonsmiley - planetsmiley - rainbowsmiley - rocketsmiley - starsmiley - ufo


Post 4

Lornas a ~Lil Angel~

lmao, erm hello, how come i ended up with this on my page smiley - doh

see ya`s smiley - angel xxxxx


Post 5


Lol..Not quite sure how it ended up on my page either smiley - huh but thought i'd join in with the smilies anyway.

donna..xxsmiley - angel


Post 6

Lornas a ~Lil Angel~

lol...ok, well at least i aint the only one who aint got a clue wot happened then smiley - biggrin

smiley - smileysmiley - strawberrysmiley - grrsmiley - cuddlesmiley - alesmiley - wahsmiley - tomatosmiley - kisssmiley - dohsmiley - devil

Ah well, might as well join in anyway...lmao

Lorna smiley - angel


Post 7

BITE ME!!!!!!!!

hiya lorna its geordie.dave and i havent aclue either howmy s**t ended up on ya page lol

smiley - lovedavesmiley - love


Post 8

Lornas a ~Lil Angel~

Hiya Dave smiley - biggrin

Hows u? Ah well, guess we`ll never know then...lmao Are u havin probs with typin azin words keep repeatin themselves and random letters are turnin up since the interactive got updated? smiley - grr I`ve spoken to a few ppl and so far every1 i`ve asked has been havin the same probs as me!!! Also when on interactive the TV goes to Front Row!!! smiley - grr

Anyway i gonna go for for now, i`m fed up watchin the trailers!!!! And deleting repeated words!!!

T/c n i spk to ya soon,

smiley - love Lorna xxxx smiley - angel

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