A Conversation for The Forum

Tackling Inequality

Post 61

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

smiley - rolleyes How many times do I have to admit that Marx was wrong on revolution?

Tackling Inequality

Post 62


The problem I have with Marx is Marxists, not the man himself. Nobody else would be expected to explain *everything* in their field when it was just getting started. He offers an interesting way of looking at things, but some things he came out with are just wrong, as you'd expect of any mere mortal.

Anyway, off to Italy. Byee!

Tackling Inequality

Post 63

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.


I do try to make it plain that I'm not *that* kind of Marxist. Yes, it's the 'interesting way of looking at things' that's the point. Nothing was the same afterwards.

(And as I also keep quoting...yer man said:
'If all these people are Marxists, then I'm not.')

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