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St.Nicholas Feast around the world

Post 1


First I'll describe the feast in The Netherlands;
See also http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=92

On a Sunday in the middle of November, St. Nicholas, known as in the Netherlands, arrives in Amsterdam. Around 11:30 am the steamboat from Spain docks by the Central Train Station across from . Deafening salutes and ringing church bells fill the air, as the mayor welcomes the good before he mounts his white (or gray) horse. The fun begins at noon with a big parade: Sinterklaas accompanied by many , brass bands, beautiful floats, officials in cars, and colorful groups of jesters, cycling clowns, and more. Thousands of pounds of sweets and have been put in burlap sacks for the acrobatic to throw to the crowds lining the streets. The parade winds along the Damrak to the Rembrandtplein coming to an end at the Leidesplein. Here, around 2:15 pm, from the balcony of the city theatre, the Stadsschouwburg, Sinterklaas addresses crowds of children and their parents.
Thus begins "Sinterklaas Season" when Sinterklaas and his helpers travel around the country, visiting hospitals, schools, shops, restaurants, and even homes during the three weeks before the main Sinterklaas celebration. and his Piets seem to be everywhere at once, asking about children's behavior and listening through chimneys. The children leave their shoes out with carrots and hay for the horse. In exchange the Piets put candy or a small gift in the shoes to be found in the morning.

Sinterklass Official National Entry—with Photos

http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=483 National website

about Sinterklaas.

http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=105 Arrival in Amsterdam

See another few websites, if you’d like to see it for yourself.



And now, St. Nicholas around the world.

In many places St. Nicholas is the main gift giver. His feast day, St. Nicholas Day, is December 6, which falls early in the Advent season. Some places he arrives in the middle of November and moves about the countryside, visiting schools and homes to find out if children have been good. Other places he comes in the night and finds carrots and hay for his horse or donkey along with children's wish lists. Small treats are left in shoes or stockings so the children will know he has come.

Where St. Nicholas is prominent, his day, not Christmas, is the primary gift giving day. Parties may be held on the eve, December 5th, and shoes or stockings left for St. Nicholas to fill during the night. Children will find treats of small gifts, fruit or nuts, and special Nicholas candies and cookies. St. Nicholas gifts are meant to be shared, not hoarded for oneself.

See also, to discover the difference between all the countries in the world.



Greetings from Amsterdam

St.Nicholas Feast around the world

Post 2

Sho - employed again!

Greetings back from just accross the border!

The Gruesomes have put out their (cleaned) boots and they'll find some chocolate and a little book in the morning.

A far cry from when the 2 year old #1 Gruesome was so horrified by the tall, bearded bishop and his accompanying half naked black men rattling chains that she slammed the front door closed on him. And me. And I had no key.

Usually he would come in the house and check his golden book to see if the children had behaved well, they would sing him a song, or recite a poem and in return they would get some fruit and chocolate. If they had been bad they were supposed to get coal but I never saw that happen.

St.Nicholas Feast around the world

Post 3


The more fear, the better !

For many pictures (and very large if you click at these)


Greetings from Sinterklaascountry

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