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What, - No Footie ?

Post 1

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Afternoon all,

The fact that we have reached Monday Afternoon ,, and as yet I have seen no post about Englands departure from the World Cup, has to say somethind about H2G2'ers - at least those in Europe.

I do not follow football, but I have watched Englands games, and will probably watch the final.

A thought on England?

They played much better after Beckhamm left the field, and after Rooney ws sent off. Thus we can assume that the remaining 10 are actually better players.

Which would be my point - the press, TV , media in general in the UK interminably discuss players ( and their scandalous wuves and girlfriends ) We forever hear about particular players who alledgedly are Englands equivalent to St George. What we don't get is dicussion of a TEAM .

When will it dawn on the 'commentators' / sports writers that football isn't a game of individuals - it is a team of 11.

Novo smiley - blackcatsmiley - tea

What, - No Footie ?

Post 2


Hi Novo - we're talking about it over here. F31008?thread=3216909

smiley - smiley


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