This is the Message Centre for Katy Tulip

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Post 1

Katy Tulip

I wrote a reply to Bette in The Bull in ML just now, but then cancelled it before posting. It's just too public over there, but then that's daft, because this place is no less so. Not really. Well, not yet. I've seen you can remove these entries, and if after the change I lose my nerve about them being here, I can always send 'em off into cyber space. Still, I like reading these Journals in here, and there's something very soothing about writing them too, as if you're tidying up the living-room in your mind before settling down to sleep. Funny really, because I've never ever felt tempted to keep a diary before.

Sometimes I really think I'm the world's biggest pessimist, crossing bridges before they even appear on the horizon. But then, I've learnt that tempting though it is at the time, collapsing in a puddle of despair does nothing to solve the problem on hand, makes me feel terrible, and look worse. I then also tend to turn to all things sweet and fattening, and nearing the end of the Battle Against The Bulge (only 1/2 kg to go to reach target weight!!!), it'd be a crying shame to undo 2 years hard slog. No, much better to confront things head on, even if the bang gives me a corker of a headache for a good while afterwards.

Consultation with my siblings-in-law today revealed what I've suspected for a while: my MiL can no longer cope. She's nearing 80, and though fiercely independent, has started to accept that she can't manage anymore for a number of things. Siblings-in-law are doing their best, but are spread far and wide (hah!) over Belgium. We live 15 mins away, and as OH works 13-14 hours a day... See, I wasn't being previous all those weeks ago when I started working out new routines so I can fit in a morning or two to go over and help with shopping and chores, etc., was I? Dunno how I'll manage really, but bridges were made to be anticipated and crossed. And I love her to pieces, so, no contest really.

So, what happened today that made me feel really good? Well, apart from the meeting at Weightwatchers in the morning, that is! For the rest it was one of those all too frequent days when you seem to be rushing around doing 50 things at once, yet at the end of the day there's little to show for it. Mind you, if I'm honest, I would have achieved a leeeetle bit more if I hadn't thrown in the towel completely this afternoon, and wasted valuable time faffing around in ML... "Only a messageboard", eh? Nope, my safety valve.

Very happy moment: I'm practising diligently for my public exam for the recorder on the 26th May, and am finally getting to grips with the (small) piece I need to play off by heart. Been playing it for weeks and weeks now and have only just managed to play it without looking at the score - Cellofreak could play it on both her cello AND her flute after hearing me practice twice. Snot fair. In the nick of time too - all the pieces will be accompanied by the harpsichord, and I'm having a first rehearsal tomorrow afternoon at 16.30. Just after my clarinet lesson - yikes! But there was no other time available. I'll just have to remember not to blow as hard, and not get in a muddle with the different fingerings. The boys will moan at having to stay at school for an hour longer, but hard cheese. The hours I spend being their taxi-driver...

Oh heavens, look at the time. Now I've tidied up my brain, I'd better do the same to the kitchen, then scuttle off to bed.

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

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