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Post 1

Katy Tulip


This Journal lark is very tempting, I must say, especially when you’re having another sleepless night.... well, it beats tossing and turning and getting into a state because you’re tired and yet sleep won’t come. I can already feel myself getting drowsy, so I’ll sign off soon; I can see this place is going to be a godsend from this pov.

I don't think I'll do the logging on a daily basis though. The thing is, on the one hand the day-to-day routines of my life are so very repetitive and dull; Bulb 1's ADHD means that our days are controlled rigidly by the clock, as that makes a world of difference in how he copes - not very good material for a log! Yet on the other hand, there's a lot going on around me too in other respects, not just my own immediate family, and I do worry that, beguiled by the private 'feel' of these Spaces, I might be tempted to confide too much and regret it afterwards.

I'm also very bothered by the software system, first and foremost the way of keeping track of posts. I've noticed that this Journal is now on my Own Space on POV... one click and anyone there is free to rummage. I’ve hardly posted there at all, so chances that anyone will come across my name are slim, and even then they’re probably not going to bother to nose around in the Own Space ‘behind’ my name. They might though – I know I do!!! It takes one to know one.

Hum. I don’t particularly mind if they do, as I try to only post what I’m prepared to stand by; and the sheer length of the first journal will probably put the casual passerby off! smiley - smiley

Oh dear. If I unsubscribe to these conversations, I won’t be able to keep track of replies – but when the new ML is ‘hooked up’, I really don’t like to think that my yadderings on here might be taken up and become the subject of ridicule over there. The present trollish shenanigans do NOT inspire confidence in this respect, particularly as the person concerned seems to be playing a cat-and-mouse game IRL as well as on the MB.

Well, we’ll see. But for now, back to bed for a few more hours sleep before another busy day. I’ve got lots of ironing waiting for me, so plenty for my hands to do while I catch up with the Archers – the omnibus as well as as many episodes of the week before that I can still listen to by clicking on each day in turn. I’ve irrevocably missed The Birth of George though... Tut tut, I’m slacking seriously for an Archers Addict. I try to be around as much as possible on Tuesdays, because it’s the MFC too. Yay!

Good night – or should that be good morning?!?

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

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