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Post 1

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

I think I may have OCD. I'm obsessed with making sure there are no replies to which I haven't replied, I'm compelled to reply to any replies to which I haven't replied, and no one who's ever seen my room or my hard drive could claim I had any kind of order.


Post 2


I don't think this is uncommon. I have had the same compulsion. I can't turn this damn thing off cause someone might have replied to something or I might miss something here. I see you haven't posted for a while. Maybe you won't see this. Sometimes I have to put the computer away alltogether for a while cause I get too obsessed with it. Maybe that's where you are.


Post 3


Might be. But I made a different name now. I'm Toynbee.. And depressingly less euphoric. smiley - winkeye

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