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christy Started conversation Aug 18, 2003
ok, so i thought i'd write down a few of my favorites that i would recommend to anybody and everybody:
-sirens of titan, kurt vonnegut
-Shopgirl, steve martin
-to kill a mockingbird, harper lee
-amazing gracie, dan dye and mark beckloff (it's about a dog)
-wild swans, jung chang
-tailchaser's song, tad williams
-a wrinkle in time, madeleine l'engle (and the rest of her series, though she is very religious, so you'd have to at least be open minded)
-catcher in the rye, salinger
-the shipping news, annie proulx
-the experiment, john darnton
-bridget jones' diary, helen fielding
-bridget jones' the edge of reason, helen fielding (funnier than the original)
-catch 22, joseph heller (though it is very gorey)
-1984, george orwell (very depressing, but beautifully written)
-lost horizon, james hilton (very thick reading, but awesome)
i can't really think of any more at the moment, i'm miles away from my bookcases! if you've read anything good please tell me what it was so i can check it out! thanx, christy
Anushodhak Posted Aug 29, 2003
Hey Christy,
From your list I have read Catch 22! I am reading Dilbert Future by Scott Adams, these days. (Apart from some Baby Books ) I have finished first chapter, can't comment on it as it is too early to dislike a book
I haven't read all the DNA books but I really liked Hitch Hikers Guide to Galaxy and Restaurant at the end of Universe! I started mostly harmless some time back but perhaps should go in chronological order!
What are you reading these days?
christy Posted Aug 29, 2003
when i read catch 22 i started having all these nightmares about people dying. it was really creepy and worse was that it was so good that i couldn't stop reading it, so i had to bare through the dreams until it was over. after it i read wild swans which gave me better nights' sleep. lately i'm reading The Day the World Came to Town by jim defede, it's about what happened in gander, newfoundland on 9/11. it's really interesting. while i was at home on that fateful day i wasn't really thinking about all the trouble that was happening with the planes that were still in the air, i was mostly considering what had happened with the first few planes. i like getting new perspectives on things. i'll be sure to check out dilbert future, i've been doing book research trying to find some good ones to ask people for for christmas (i'm pretty spoiled
), and have therefore been reading the first page of many books to find some that interest me. (i'm trying to make sense, so i hope that it worked). i've found a few, some by authors that i've read before like palahniuk who has an interesting take on life, to say the least.
christy Posted Sep 14, 2003
hey, that's really cool! thanx for the link!
so how have you been lately? i've just returned to college for the fall term, so i've been pretty busy with classes and old friends and such. and bike rides too, loads of bike rides. i really love my bike. except that i have to keep it outside and every time i go to ride it, without fail, there is a spider web on it! in the exact same place too. i'm a bit squeemish around spiders, they have so many legs and they're always around. sorry, don't mean to freak you out. but i've only been back a week and maybe the spiders will let up! i hope so because i just washed it and it is annoying.
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