This is the Message Centre for Poet 29107


Post 1


why not move out of Gosford?? Wherever the F**k that is. . .


Post 2

Poet 29107

Thanks for the information
on this problem I have got.
But here is the revelation:
an intellectual, you're not.

oh forgive me

Post 3


I meant no harm in my suggestion
that you move out of the slum
It's a cure for the congestion
but you'll have to leave your mum

oh forgive me

Post 4

Poet 29107

Could you be further from the truth?
I travel from a greener land
far from the regions of my youth -
such city-bound don't understand.
I travel for my work, forsooth!
If only there were less demand...

oh forgive me

Post 5


It sounds like you're spending far too long commuting on a train
The daily mass migrations can be taxing on the brain
My advice was not to get away from doing what you like
But you should get a job in Gosford then you'd only need a bike

oh forgive me

Post 6

Poet 29107

So to poetry sans pity;
I at least don't wear a suit,
but the IT in the city
leaves me no choice but commute.

oh forgive me

Post 7


An alternative to Info Tech
For you would be ideal
Perhaps you could try gardening
Instead of buying your next meal

Being slaved to a computer
Another blank face on a train
You should switch to growing vegetables
There'd be no reason to copmplain


Post 8


An intellectual I may not be
Nor a rider of a tram
But the real revelation here
Is the poet that I am!

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