This is the Message Centre for Anonymouse

Tara for now!

Post 1


Tomorrow I am flying away from this dreary English February to warmer continents, visiting my daughter in New Zealand. I shall be back in 6 weeks and hope you will all still be here and GW still in operation. I would hate to lose contact with you all. See y'all!!


Tara for now!

Post 2


We shall miss you very much !nnony
Please keep in touch! I'm sure you will find a computer there with an internet connetion.
Just this site has closed down you will need to know where to find us, so here are a few site addresses.



do keep in touch. Have afabulous time and say hello the NZ for me, I was last there in 1963!

Robbsmiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Tara for now!

Post 3


have a great timie...i probably won't see you when i get back - i've kind off stoped using this chatter box at the time...but when you land back in england...what colour do you see?

Tara for now!

Post 4


Hey Nonoy nay.

I'll keep the cats at bay
while you are sneek away.

Kev smiley - hug

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