This is the Message Centre for Anonymouse

Back from holiday

Post 1


Just got back Wednesday from a hilarious week in Rhodes, where I overcame by phobia of riding uphill on a donkey (but not downhill!) and floating in the sea holidng a stone in each hand. However I am still nervous of mosquitoes that lurk in the shower waiting to take advantage of you when you wash off the insecticide! Can't get my head round work yet - let alone literary endeavour.

Back from holiday

Post 2


Hi, sounds like a great holiday mate - i don't know what all this h2g2 stuff is, so i'm gonna vanish - but good to hear your news!

smiley - lighthouse

Back from holiday

Post 3


I don't know what it is all about either! I came back from holiday to find everything had changed and I am just trying to find my way round! I was invited to start a journal but don't know what happens to it - was it sent to you?

Puzzled mouse

Back from holiday

Post 4


Yes, it just popped up and told me your news...hows about that!

Back from holiday

Post 5


Sorry about that. I thought the journal would be a private thing, but I'm getting all sorts of things landing on me from other people too, sometimes quite inconsequentially (nice word/hard to spell!) Really a bit puzzled by all these new procedures. If any more of my rubbish gets dumped on you I apologize in advance!!


Back from holiday

Post 6


Nice though it is to hear from you, I suspect this wasn't one of their better ideas.... Glad you had a good time though. I was in Rhodes in May. Had a great holiday, too.

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