A Conversation for Talking Point: The Worst Films Ever Made

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 1


Tomb Raider. I had been led to believe it was atrocious.

Ok so it wasn't brilliant, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 2

Matthew G P Coe

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I wasn't looking forward to its release (I was working in an electronics department at the time)... but I was pleasantly surprised! The child acting was actually... believable (with the exception of Malfoy)!

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 3

Rasta Tader

bringing down the house
the one with queen latifa and steve martin

i laght a couple of times but i though it was going to be so bad i would need to bite off my own leg to get through it.


Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 4

OB1 Knordic - The Empire strikes back(c)

28 Days, I was told this was a no go film. Its no master piece but a damn good Brit flick and well worth watching in the dark smiley - smiley

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 5

Matthew G P Coe

28 Days or 28 Days Later? Two /completely/ different films, and the extent of Britain in 28 Days was a single British actor.

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 6

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

On a slightly different note, have you ever sat through a film that was so bad that you *had* to watch it to the end?
Or is that just me?
smiley - erm

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 7

Maz Researcher 226229

2weeks notice , I heard about this film and it was all bad ,when I came back from spain this was the inflight movie ,,, well how wrong they where , its worth the hour and a bit to watch it smiley - smiley 7/10

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 8

OB1 Knordic - The Empire strikes back(c)

28 Days later then !

And no its not just you, I've sat through more films than I can remember just in vain hope there must be something worthwhile in it !

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 9


Bruce Almighty. smiley - angel

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 10


Equilibrium got trashed by the critics, but I thought it was a very compelling science fiction film, about a future where emotion was outlawed.

smiley - popcorn JEllen

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 11


The movie Equilibrium was trashed by the critics, but I found it to be very compelling science fiction, about a future where emotion is outlawed.

smiley - popcorn JEllen

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 12

OB1 Knordic - The Empire strikes back(c)

I might rent that next week then, by the look of the cover I thought it was a Matrix rip off.

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 13



I thought that this movie was going to be really lame. All that dancing and singing just didn't seem like it was going to appeal to me at all, but when I watched it I was hooked for the whole time, because it has an brilliant storyline and some of the musical numbers are stunning. smiley - ok

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 14

Matthew G P Coe

Chicago's a long-running Broadway hit! Of course it has a good plot!

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 15


well I know that now, but at the time I didn't realize that it was a Broadway show... *shrugs*

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 16

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

I had to watch to the end of Sling Blade, even though it was so painfully slow, long and so ridiculously boring, as I wanted to see whether the end was worth watching through it (it wasn't). Even now, I struggle to remember what the hell it was about, as it was such a pointless movie. I'll never get that 2 hours back of my life.

Films that weren't as bad as you were expecting...

Post 17

Bez (arguaby the finest figure of a man ever found wearing Bez's underwear) <underpants>

Charlie's Angels 2

I honestly wasn't expecting it to be any good, even though I enjoyed the first one, but I weas wrong. Of course if you didn't like the first, you will hate the sequel.

Could have done with some slightly less OTT stunt sequences though. Neo and Morpheus would have been proud to do some of the things in that film.
smiley - winkeye


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