This is the Message Centre for Pinky

Ahoy Pinky

Post 1


smiley - boing
How are you, Jackie?
Long time not to see smiley - rose

I'm dying with boiling horrible sticky Japanese summer heat smiley - grovel

smiley - musicalnote

Ahoy Pinky

Post 2


Hahahahahha Hi Taeko,I've just spoken to you on another thread hahahahaha It's cool here in Blackpool ,England ,so when do you arrive ?? hahaha One day,I hope Love Jackie xxxxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 3


Hi Jacky
Yup, I know, the Andy's thread lol.
He's very quiet recently (so am I lol)

I miss England dry summer : (
One day, when I recover completely and earn money, I'll definately "go back to" England.
Are you busy working?

Ahoy Pinky

Post 4


It would seem we are having problems with h2g2 here in England at the moment Taeko,I've certainly had problems anyway !!! They seem sorted for now ! Yes,the flower shop is still keeping me busy,as usual.Just lovely to chat with you again.I've missed you.Love Pinky xxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 5


Yeah, Marc as well. He's got a trouble with h2g2 and he can't come here at the moment. But it seems it sorted out like you.
There is sometimes a problem with h2g2. yuk. yuk. Especially they try to update.
Recetnly after the "incidents" the words that we use here has become a bit limited. Not so strict, but they check our thread very carefully.
Gosh gosh gosh hahahahaha
Hope you're fine and finsh your today's work without any trouble.
Lovely to talk with you again.

Ahoy Pinky

Post 6


Thankyou Taeko xxx It is time for me to prepare for work.I do hope it isn't long before we chat again.If I do have any trouble,I'll e-mail you OK ? You take care.See you soon Love Pinky xxxxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 7


Lovely to chat with you today.
I'm looking forward to your mail.
Take Care,

Ahoy Pinky

Post 8


You take care too, dear friend Love Jackie xxxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 9



Ahoy Pinky

Post 10


Hahahahahaha OK,I'm REALLY going now,though some may say,I've been gone for years Taeko hahahaha Byeee xxx See you soon xxxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 11


Hiya Pinky
Just please let me know your mail address again as I've been in my cousin's house and haven't got your mail addy.
Please mail me, then I'll send you a msg from Dandy Highway man who lost his voice smiley - laugh

Ahoy Pinky

Post 12


HIYA Pinky,
I've got a problem with my hotmail because *I guess* I use Mac instead of Windows at my cousin's house.
So, please let your e-mail address at
[email protected]
So that I'll tell you Marc's hotmail addy.
I think he's come back to h2, so he may contact you by himself. LOL
Looking forward to hearing from you again,
Take Care, Jackie

Ahoy Pinky

Post 13


Hi Taeko, lovely hearing from you as always xx Hope your well xxx I will mail you naturally xxx ASAP.Take care speak soon Love Pinky xxxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 14


Hiya Pinky.
Lovely to talk with you smiley - smiley
I'm okay though a little bit uneasy mental condition as I'm used to have.
But unless I have a long blank to come, I'll be okay.
Hope you're fine, too and enjoy yourself.
Speak soon.

Have a Lovely weekend!!!

Ahoy Pinky

Post 15


So sorry to hear your not feeling too well again Taeko xxxx My thoughts are with you,hopefully we'll chat soon Take care Love Pinky xxxxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 16


Hiya Pinky smiley - smiley
I'll be back to home maybe tomorrow nitht (JST/afternoog GMT)
I think I'll get better little by little as I calm down and don't think too much.
Thank you for not forgetting me and keeping chatting with me with patience smiley - smiley
Hope you're fine, too
Take Care,

Ahoy Pinky

Post 17

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

what's the story morning glorysmiley - biggrin

Ahoy Pinky

Post 18


Hahahahahaha Hi Iain T hahahahaha xxxx Hi Taeko,hope this msg finds you feeling much better xxx Don't worry about things so much,we die if we worry,we die if we don't,so why worry ? You take care OK ? Chat soon Love Always Pinky xxxxx Thinking of you x

Ahoy Pinky

Post 19


Hi Taeko,no msg from you today ! Just wondering how you are.Write soon to let me know please.Thinking of you Love Pinky xxxx

Ahoy Pinky

Post 20

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

same here taamyu...hope you are feeling bettersmiley - rose

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