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Full of admiration

Post 1


I am full of admiration for Master B's amazing project based on 'We Didn't Start The Fire'. I've got just three simultaneous entries in PR (see my tagline smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout) and I'm struggling to keep up and cross-reference the comments smiley - laugh How did he do it for that huge project?

Anyway, to less archaeological matters...

I've been dog-sitting this weekend smiley - smiley A gorgeous black lab X flatcoat who is perfectly trained and incredibly soppy smiley - ok A perfect dog.

This morning, I had her off the lead for our walk up the lane. 20 yards ahead of us I spotted four stoats roughing and tumbling in and out of the verges. Rosie (the dog) stopped dead in her tracks and looked ready to chase them. I whispered to her to come to me. And she did! smiley - applausesmiley - applause So I was able to put the lead on her and we watched the gambolling for a few minutes before resuming our walk and scaring them away smiley - sadface

What a great way to start the day smiley - biggrin *And* the sun was shining then.

Sun? What's that then?

*Wanders off grumbling about the smiley - bleep Scottish summer*

smiley - somersault
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Full of admiration

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Master B didn't put his project through Peer Review. He sweet-talked Jimster into letting him put it straight into the Guide. I proofread the whole thing, but I don't think there was very much in the line of comment about the content by anyone.

Full of admiration

Post 3


I take it all back smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Master B's a cheat!! smiley - nahnah

Full of admiration

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - laugh

Hats off to B all the same

Full of admiration

Post 5


Hi, Fb,

I don't know about dog sitting, it sounds like you might be dognapping in the near future smiley - rofl

As for Scottish weather, our English concoction would give you a run for your money smiley - run.

Last Saturday , rain, rain, rain. Gazebo wringing wet, and we are soaked to the skin. Sunday hot sunshine, got sunburnt! Last Friday drowned in a deluge, shopping bags full of water and soggy cereal. Saturday had stall at carnival, and the gazebo nearly got blown away.

In a howling gale we nearly lost its' roof cover and the frame was bending fit to bust. Had to take it down, so everything on the tables got blown off. The strength of the wind was terrifyingsmiley - yikes Nearly all our events are out of doors in the "summer" and I swear the weather is getting worse.

I think I can beat your smiley - bleep by smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep easily.

Glad to see John Ridgway, Marie Christine and the crew of English Rose Vl got home safely, having missed the bad weather in London, and getting moored before bad weather hit Scotland.

smiley - dragon

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