This is the Message Centre for Baconlefeets

Mysterious Sender

Post 1

Milly O'Naire

smiley - giftsmiley - choc

Mysterious Sender

Post 2

Milly O'Naire

*Finishes pulling bristles off a loobrush*

She loves me not.

smiley - sadface

smiley - cry

smiley - wah


Mysterious Sender

Post 3


smiley - bigeyes

Mysterious Sender

Post 4

Milly O'Naire

*More sulking*

Mysterious Sender

Post 5

Milly O'Naire

On a further note, I know next time not to bother.

Mysterious Sender

Post 6


Right. smiley - erm Cheer up and tell me who you are. smiley - bigeyes

Mysterious Sender

Post 7

Milly O'Naire

No, it's not time. Besides, you know already.

Mysterious Sender

Post 8


I was right for once. smiley - wow

Mysterious Sender

Post 9

Milly O'Naire

Well then we shall continue the conversation there rather than here.

*Leaves the mask behind*

Mysterious Sender

Post 10


*Nods sagely*


smiley - huh

Mysterious Sender

Post 11

Milly O'Naire

Read the back of the mask, it says "Post on my proper page".

Mysterious Sender

Post 12

Zak T Duck

You're way off... apparently...

Please don't kill me.

Mysterious Sender

Post 13


smiley - laugh It's you, you plank! smiley - biggrin

smiley - doh I'm a fool.

Mysterious Sender

Post 14

Zak T Duck

Well who else do you know is smitten with you, so shy and daft enough to send you on a cryptic paper trail?

My lesson for the day is just come out and say it.

I'll just nip off and apologise to Greydesk...

Mysterious Sender

Post 15

Zak T Duck

And you're right, I am a plank.

Mysterious Sender

Post 16


smiley - hug Thank you for my card. I followed the trail from the PS and automatically assumed that BH had got it right. smiley - doh

Mysterious Sender

Post 17

Zak T Duck

smiley - blush Took me ages to pluck up the courage to send it smiley - blush

Mysterious Sender

Post 18


I was a bit paranoid on the day that I found it, that's why I didn't reply. smiley - sorry

Mysterious Sender

Post 19

Zak T Duck

Don't worry about it, I'm not smiley - smiley

Mysterious Sender

Post 20


And get that plank bit out of your name, silly bugger.

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