This is the Message Centre for pamelamaesteg

Your question

Post 1


Hi Pamela

I've just found this space, still not really familiar with it all.
Did you see Pond Girl's reply to you?
So, you see, it's still going on. The sad thing is, a lot of people left the CB board because they got so fed-up and most of them have never come back.
Sad, isn't it?

Hope you find a solution.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Your question

Post 2


Hi smiley - zoom I saw the Coffee Bar seemed reasonably O.K. now, so I was hoping you'd got things sorted there. But I see from the Radio 2 boads that you do still have problems. It is a shame ,because these boards can be a good thing. Especially with the Garden board as Chris Needs (the DJ whose show it's for) does live shows, posters there have been able to meet and have become real friends. Some of the posters on the Garden Board are 50+ and don't like being hassled. So they have stayed away.
smiley - lovePamela.

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