This is the Message Centre for Agapanthus

Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 21


smiley - rofl unconservation of momentum smiley - rofl

Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 22

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Hi Ag,

Got a question for you -- is there a knitters/crocheters/craftys thread here, ala the Atelier or the campfire or something like that?

I've been getting into doing crafts again, and need a place to commiserate... frog, frog, frog, frog... smiley - winkeye


Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 23


Oops, I completely missed this post from you, SpaceCadette. I AM sorry. Must pay attention. Bad Agapanthus.

There used to be a crafty thread (not at the Atelier or campfire or anything), but it sort of fizzled out a couple of years ago. I wonder where it went? Should we create a new one?

How's the frogging going? smiley - winkeye

Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 24

Spaceechik, Typomancer

The Frogging is going just swimmingly...

Actually, I'm almost done with a shrug I'm making for my friend's daughter. When I've got it down, then I'll tackle one using my fancier stash (which has already been frogged a tad, thank you very much!) smiley - winkeye

Do you think we *could* restart a yarny craft thread? I'm rather enamored of the Stitch and Bitch stuff, and I've got a look at a couple of things on clothing reconstruction, for fixing flea market finds... smiley - smiley

I caught a thread where you'd asked for a pattern for a crocheted dress, but that was in 2003 smiley - erm


Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 25

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Hi Ag,

I finished the shrug for M, and I asked her to take a picture of it on her cell phone, so she can email it to me. When she does, I'll post it to My Yahoo, and link to it. I got fed up with the pattern, so I winged it instead -- it came out really cute!

So, what've you got on the sticks at the moment? Are you UFOs causing ruckuses under the couch? smiley - winkeye


Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 26

Spaceechik, Typomancer

...excuse me, I meant "your UFOs"...

This'll teach me to post at stupid o'clock in the morning.


Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 27


Stupid o'clock - heh heh heh, been there.

At the moment I am sewing the Quilt of Eternal Love and Friendship, and puncturing myself on a regular basis, especially during car-chases on TV, squealing brakes with added yelps.

I am also working on my mother's tofu mittens, the endless nymph socks, and the pink dress, which will have to be frogged, as it's coming out all limp and bleach and needs tighter gauge. Darn it. All other UFOs gagged and bound and stuffed vigorously under couch.

I'd love to see the shrug.

Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 28

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Because I'm a victim of chronic procrastination, it's actually a summer weight shrug; it's a dark "country blue", done in a mesh pattern, with short sleeves. Kinda sorta looks like the one that's cruising the net at the moment from "One Skein Wonder.." but that one's knitted.

I'd like the see the pics, too -- M hasn't sent them (or her mom said no, but I'd appreciate knowing that smiley - erm).

Maybe M doesn't like it...smiley - yikes

smiley - winkeye


Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 29


I got sucked by magic yarny force-fields into a new yarn shop on Wednesday. Mmmmm, feel the hand-spun alpaca goodness.

Kraftwerk (heh heh heh) update

Post 30

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Hmmm, Thursday afternoon, Pacific coast time --- yeah, I think it was a MYF that got me, too! smiley - laugh

The owner of my LYS is having landlord problems; he's trying to get her to move out after only *3 months* there -- she thinks it's because she fixed the place up, now he wants to rent it out for more money. I've been getting the small odds and ends there, to help out.

So, now I have an incipient shrug, and a hemp-cotton-modal* blend shopping bag on the stix. Help!


* Just *what* is modal, anyway? Thread is smooth, slightly shiny, but very nice. In Antique rose. smiley - smiley

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