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Icy Naj 16/11 - A Nice Hot Cup of Tea
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Nov 12, 2016
I thought some of you might like to read a bit about Indigo harvesting
Yes, it is set in Florida, not the IoW
I don't know if any of this is worth a Guide Entry
Icy Naj 16/11 - A Nice Hot Cup of Tea
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 12, 2016
The word indigo in Newton's time meant the dye. I think the basic colour was the colour of blue jeans but you could make it darker by re-dying. Eventually you could produce a colour that was almost black although really it was very, very, very dark blue. The clothes of the nomadic Touareg are an example of this.
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Icy Naj 16/11 - A Nice Hot Cup of Tea
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