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Crossword News

Post 1

Icy North

The Times Crossword is back in the headlines today, after including in its cryptic clues a reader's marriage proposal to his girlfriend:

The answers are in the linked article, but if you want to solve them first, two of the relevant ones are:

1. Pretty Welsh girl widely thought not to be all there (6) - hint: it's his fiancee's name

5. 'Will you marry me', say, that's forward also rude! (8)

His girlfriend eventually accepted the proposal, but, according to that article, she described her fiance as "a smart-arse at the best of times". smiley - smiley

Crossword News

Post 2


It's all the other crossword-completing Welsh girls with that name who know people called Matthew I feel sorry for...


Crossword News

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork

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