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Guernsey - How to Occupy Yourself
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jul 9, 2014
I always feel at home, whenever I'm near a sea... Having been born within a mile of the sea, and lived the majority of my life, within 3 miles and ahving spent about half my childhood on the beach/sea, (with the other half spent on the rivers)
Even without an island, walking round those bits of the Suffolk/Norfolk coastline, there is such a huge variety, within a few miles in any direction...
True enough, the bits I was nearest, when I lived there were fairly boring in some ways (quite touristy in season), you don't need to travel far along the caost, to get to the loverly wild bits, and places like cohiethe (sp), where I used to spend far too much time... in dangerous activites up and down the cliffs, hunting for fossels and human remains
I still miss not living near the sea... the air is just horrible this* far inland
Guernsey - How to Occupy Yourself
Baron Grim Posted Jul 9, 2014
Speaking of recursive islands, I thought this one on Luzon in the Philippines was impressive.
Well, some google maps sleuths found an even more impressive one that has likely never been visited by humans.
Guernsey - How to Occupy Yourself
Bluebottle Posted Jul 9, 2014
Never visited by humans? That's what they want you to think.
If those islands aren't secretly the headquarters of evil geniuses trying to take over the world I'll be bitterly disappointed
Guernsey - How to Occupy Yourself
Icy North Posted Jul 9, 2014
Maybe it's a good place for Greg Lake to record for Island Records (as he did, coincidentally)
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Guernsey - How to Occupy Yourself
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