This is the Message Centre for Shapeshifter

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 1

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Howdy folks. Good to see you when QQ ain't up. This topic isn't - which is to say that anyone can add anything or start their own thread.

I have enjoyed sharing the past year with many of you and I'm sure this is also true of JR who appears to have passed out as we speak smiley - smiley
Doubtless he will correct me when he comes ro... erm wakes up.

I apologise in advance in case I have to spend the next year at her majesty's pleasure. This has been on the cards for a couple of years; but I'm such a danger to the public that I've been left more or less to my own devices. A busted leg as an early prezzy has slowed me down a touch. Kept me out of court too, fortunately. Hope 2004 will, if the worst comes to the worst, be 'Free the Fenton One' year. Otherwise I hope that the Human Rights Act gets its rightful status over the ancient garbage that passes for law in this country.


Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 2


Hi Doc,sorry to learn you have peditrouble, I trust it does'nt hamper you too much over the Xmas holiday.

Will you be visiting over the holiday period?,I just looked at the Q.Q. board and it still seems active, at keast I never saw the closed sign exhibited.

Will have to go now old friend-have to help with dinner ect.will talk to you again sometime I hope, will you be able to post whilst at her majesty's pleasure? (I earnestly hope it does'nt come to that Doc)

Have a nice day

Tom smiley - ale

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 3

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Cheers Tom, and a cool yule. I'm gonna check whether the pub is open this lunchtime. Can just about make it that far. Getting back is a different question. smiley - biggrin


Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 4


It's 1700 hrs Doc hope you made it to the pub, I know some do open on Christmas day, if you find it difficult getting back stay the night, you never know what might happen!!!!!

Will talk to you again,lookafter yourself.


Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 5


Doc's gone for a kip, hobbling around on crutches is a bit wearing.

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 6


Hi Doc and J.R.hope you have recovered from the excesses and stresses of the past couple of days.

Our Christmas was fairly quiet with our daughter and son-in-law visiting on christmas day and sister and brother-in-law on Boxing day.and no we did'nt over indulge.
All that's left to do now is to tidy-up, find out how the various electrical gadgets work and then prepare to see the new year in.

Cheers Tom

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 7

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Hi, Tom. Hope you got a circuit breaker among those electrical gadgets if you're gonna go fiddling about with them. JR is the expert, of course. He seems to have had a fairly reclusive yule as have I.

All the best to you and your kin for 2004

Cheers, Doc.

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 8


Thanks Docfor the good wishes, the electrical gadgets are working o.k.and what is more surprising the house is still standing-the age of miracles ect.

I have just been on Q.Q. board and found it is still open,not a lot of activity it seems, but surprised to find they'r not tucked in for the night.

Hope everything goes well for you in this coming year doc and thanks for your help in the past

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 9


Rather surprisingly, all the BBC boards were open throughout Christmas, in spite of the published non-opening hours. Somebody forgot to switch them off, maybe. A few of us noticed, had a little fun, nothing really bad happened, the sky didn't fall in. Why do they bother closing them anyway?

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 10


Hi J.R.belated seasons greetings and hullo to you doc if your there.

Re the boards over the holiday period,maybe now the powers that be will let them run over bank holidays ect, we can live in hope.

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 11

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Hi there, Tom. A good year to you too. I'm still hanging on as you see. Did someone mention 'skin' and 'teeth'? smiley - smiley


Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 12


Hi Doc,glad your still about, as the 'gardening expert'I can say truthfully 'I am rooting for you'.

The boards were posting very late the other night, the Q.Q.'s can give themselves a pat-on-the-back now.......well done.

Will talk to you again , Tom

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 13


This thread is quiet,the seasons greetings to all who still visit, Doc,J.R,ect.
My holiday was quiet but enjoyable,I sincerely hope yours was too.

A HAPPY AND PEACEFULL NEW YEAR TO ALL.smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 14

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Hi Tom. What a surprise to see this thread revived! Sadly, JR died in August - of peritonitis. We begged and pleaded, but he refused to seek medical help. Still, let's hope '05 will be a better one. smiley - smiley


Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 15


Hi doc,I do pop in this area now and again,how are you keeping? the last time we spoke you were suffering from a broken leg, I trust it healed alright ,did you go to the pub for christmas?
Our festive season was marred by my wife having an operation and consequent visits to the hospital,luckily they were completed the week before Christmas day, we managed alright though.
smiley - bubbly A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR DOC.smiley - bubbly

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 16

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

And the same to you Tom. Actually my back stops me from walking, but I can ride my bicycle just fine. I'm saving up for a folding bike, so I'll be able to use the buses too.


Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 17


Sorry to learn that you have a bad back Doc,I hurt mine moving heavy bags about at work and it comes back every now and again to remind me.
Did you see the New Year in? we did, though what for I don'nt know.
Hope you get you'r folding bike,good luck....Tom

Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 18

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Yeah, backs are something of a design fault in humans. Cheers, Tom, I musta seen the year in somehow since I'm here now! Have an excellent '05. Personally, I might well find myself spending most of it in jail. Hmmmmmm.


Yuletide greets and general ragbag

Post 19


Hi Doc, sorry I'm late, I sincerely hope you are wrong in your predictions.
All the best for the comimg year,
Tomsmiley - smiley

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