This is the Message Centre for Shapeshifter

QQ is mended!

Post 1


QQ is mended!

Post 2



QQ is mended!

Post 3

Icy North

Isn't it still in pre-mod? The message is still at the top of the page.

QQ is mended!

Post 4

Suzi II

You're right, it isn't mended - it's sort of stuck together with duct tape.

'So Tired Of Waiting' - the Kinks

QQ is mended!

Post 5


The BBC's taken all my boards, and left me in feeling pretty bored
Lazing on a sunny afternoon

QQ is mended!

Post 6

Suzi II

LOL Mr Monitor Sir

QQ is mended!

Post 7

Icy North

Was that LOL or LOLA?

Icy (aka BBCi Monitor) smiley - snowball

QQ is mended!

Post 8

August Darnell

Good QQ is mended...ahem.. can someone please tell me why i have to keep re-registering and log=in with different names - 6 in one bloomin day!

J.R. or anyone else please help before the computer crashes through the window, Keith Moon stylie!

QQ is mended!

Post 9


Have you had an email from the beeb, and returned it?

QQ is mended!

Post 10

August Darnell

Yeah J.R. i replied and posted against Mr.Evil himself but he cursed me and the next time I logged on to CIY I was faced with the same situation. There are 2 explanations as I see it 1) my PC keeps crashing..something to do with Norton Utilities slowing things down according to the repairman who took his money and scooted off to the pub. 2) Someone is trying to gag me..which is nasty..because I am a nice person..ask dear Valentine.

By the way it took awhile but it sunk in..obviously with a moniker like J.R. you are using spaces. Good idea!

if you ever need any help with planetary alignments just give me a nod my dear J.R. (I owe you a pint or two)

QQ is mended!

Post 11


I use Norton AV, let it run all the time, no problem unless it is doing its weekly scan while I am trying to do something else, when everything slows down. Easily stopped though.

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