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Off For A While...

Post 1

Researcher 234607

just wanted to let u all know that ill not be around much over the next few weeks smiley - ok
got a lot on my mind right now with personal and family problems, plus ill be away from home for a few days, but ill catch up with you all soon smiley - smiley
p.s im still expecting the Travellers Rest A1303345 to be going well when i get back!!
take care, bye for now smiley - hug

Tottysmiley - flyhi

Off For A While...

Post 2


Hiya Totty,

As I've got a coldsmiley - ill, I'm okay smiley - bunny

Take Care & smiley - cappuccino + smiley - cheesecake

Looking forward to speak to you soon smiley - smiley

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Taamnyu smiley - fairy

Off For A While...

Post 3


Take care tarton smiley - oksmiley - hug

Hope you sort everything out that needs sorting.

smiley - somersault

Off For A While...

Post 4

Researcher 240878

hiya totty, hope to see you back soon, dont worry about the travellers rest, i'll make sure it runs smoothly but its gonna be hard without yousmiley - laugh
smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - cuddle
smiley - devil

Off For A While...

Post 5


Ahh Totty I will miss you.Hope everything turns out fine for you.See you very soon.Love Pinky and here's a smiley - rose just for you Take Care x

Off For A While...

Post 6


...........................................smiley - run

smiley - whistle

smiley - somersault

Off For A While...

Post 7

Researcher 234607

thank u everyone smiley - hug
im still around, i have to be i have a pub to run!! smiley - laugh
im just not on as much or posting as much, but ul still see me smiley - smiley
talk soon...
totty xxx smiley - hugsmiley - smiley

Off For A While...

Post 8


Hi Totty,lovely to hear your still around.Hope I to see you soon.Love Pinkysmiley - rose xxx

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