This is the Message Centre for nuttersrule
Hello Nutter
~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 Started conversation Sep 29, 2003
hiya nutter
just a qwick message to let you know who i am on here, well i gotta , t/c hun n hope to hear from you soon.
Hello Nutter
nuttersrule Posted Sep 29, 2003
hi there buffy hope that you are ok i still trying to get the hang of the word and pics in ere hope that you doin ok vicki xxxxxxx
Hello Nutter
nuttersrule Posted Sep 29, 2003
hi there buffy hope that you are ok i still trying to get the hang of the word and pics in ere hope that you doin ok vicki xxxxxxx
Hello Nutter
~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 Posted Sep 30, 2003
hiya hun,
did u get me email addy? left it b4 i left last nite or should i say this the best way to get the hang of the 's is to click on one of them n then write them all down, thats the way i done it anyway, still hav to refere to them every now n then
. any way hun i gotta
. hope u is well hun n hope to hear from u soon.
Hello Nutter
~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 Posted Sep 30, 2003
hiya hun,
did u get me email addy? left it b4 i left last nite or should i say this the best way to get the hang of the 's is to click on one of them n then write them all down, thats the way i done it anyway, still hav to refere to them every now n then
. any way hun i gotta
. hope u is well hun n hope to hear from u soon.
Hello Nutter
nuttersrule Posted Oct 1, 2003
hi hun how are you, thanx for email addy hun, got a really bad , i had the dentist this morning my mouth is still numb they had to do a filling
and need a
and summit to eat but opted out of the
really could do with
and get sum sleep talk soon take care
vicki xxxxxxxx
Hello Nutter
~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 Posted Oct 3, 2003
awww hun i do feel for you, i know nasty dentist's am that why i dont well i got kidney infection at the mo, had to call the doc out yesterday mornin . anyways hope you is well and recovered from the horrid dentist, t/c hun
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Hello Nutter
- 1: ~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 (Sep 29, 2003)
- 2: nuttersrule (Sep 29, 2003)
- 3: nuttersrule (Sep 29, 2003)
- 4: ~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 5: ~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 6: nuttersrule (Oct 1, 2003)
- 7: ~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534 (Oct 3, 2003)
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