This is the Message Centre for nuttersrule
vicki hi
WINGFOOT3 Started conversation Jul 23, 2003
vicki hi bab glad to see your getting into this now
we are stil trying to get used to it lmao being as your new have a
and a piece of
chat soon wing
vicki hi
nuttersrule Posted Jul 26, 2003
Hi tony sorry for the long delay had bad week, still cant get those pics in the message how are you, hope that you are all well, mmmmmmwwwwwaaaaahhhhhhhhh HOW DO YOU PUT THE PICTURES IN THE MESSAGES LMAO im fick, hope that you have a great weekend take care luv always vicki xxxxxxxxxxx
vicki hi
WINGFOOT3 Posted Jul 27, 2003
<SMILEY>=hi vic got your message its easy enuff to do just click on the smiley it will take u to the page just jot them down then u can put in wotever smileys u want to ie
chat soon have a
luvs ya mmmwwwaaahhhhhh
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