A Conversation for Germany history.

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 1

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Entry: Germany history. - A49441638
Author: minichessemouse - Does not contain cheese. - U8131912

Another one that needs some work. Any help accepted.

minismiley - mouse

A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 2

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Like the other Entry, I feel it best that you submit this to Peer Review (PR). Just tidy it up to your best ability -such as sort out structure- then submit. smiley - smiley

A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 3

Secretly Not Here Any More

Needs a better title for starters Min.

I've adapted a few history essays into h2g2 guide entries, so it can be done - but it's always a bit more work than you originally expect!

Without going "look at me, look at me!", you might want to look at A2654778 and A2875368 - both of which are historical entries that started life as research essays (hence the lack of argument/conclusions).

My immediate reaction as a historian is that to keep it in one entry, you're going to have to keep everything very condensed. Your summaries are concise and tight, but part of me thinks that (for example) the role of women in Nazi Germany needs an entry of its own, rather than a paragraph in an overview piece.

This is the making of a good concise introduction to pre-war German society under the Nazis. However don't be surprised if some people are of the opinion that a series of entries in a University Project would be more fitting.

A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 4

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

University project! Eek. But yes i se what you mean. I could have put much more in the origianl essay, but was hampered by the word limit. It is an interesting subjesct. And i think most of my research is sill somewhere in the bowels of this computer.

minismiley - mouse

A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

mini, have a look here: A10893873

It once started out very promising but has ground to a halt. Maybe you could collaborate?

A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 6


Why are these still in the Edited Guide Writing Workshop? You'd be much better off finding someone to collaborate with - benjaminpmoore (U3508889) seems like the first person to ask.

One thing you've got to realise is that entries in the EG Writing Workshop don't attract much attention, and being a reasonably experienced hootooer you're better off finding someone to work with rather than leaving your entries slowly gathering moss in here.

Alex smiley - smiley

A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 7

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Oops! i had forgotten they were here smiley - blush I will get back to working on them eventually. I will pull them from the EGWW for now.

minismiley - mouse

A49441638 - Germany history.

Post 8


Much obliged smiley - cheers

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