This is the Message Centre for Denadar

Leaving a message?

Post 1


Am I doing this properly? I am trying to leave a message so that Deborah can contact me on this h2g2 thingy?smiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - smiley

Leaving a message?

Post 2


You are doing it perfectly Denadar... this is the first post I've done on h2g2 and I wonder if it means it's lit up in your discussions so that you can find it......

Leaving a message?

Post 3


I say Luca, Aren't we just the clever ones. Who needs chatterbox? Isn't it stupid - I feel quite chuffed. smiley - bubblysmiley - magic

Leaving a message?

Post 4


They've certainly got a wider selection of emoticons here!
smiley - bubbly

Although anybody and everybody can read this it's a little quieter than the Chatterbox thread and that's for sure!

Have a good weekend and because it's the weekend have another of these!

smiley - bubbly

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