This is the Message Centre for Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

From Within the WONDERBRA

Post 1

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

Phew, it's hot - high pressure coming up from the south.

FAB O BEAST 1 : Yes, get yer kit off Lara.

FAB O BEAST 2: She'll never. Not with all those chaps smiley - drooling.

FAB O BEAST 1: That TartyGirl's giving us a run for our cup size.

LARA: My lovely beasts - you may not be bazookas of gigantic proportions, but you look FAB when I'm stretching to slap the golden shower symbol all over the South West smiley - towel.

DISCLAIMER: This journal entry is not for the delectation of impressionable younger surfers who's parents should be keeping their offspring well away from all boobies and, come to think of it, what the hell is ANYONE doing peeking at the private parts of Lara and her Fab O Beasts smiley - biggrin?

From Within the WONDERBRA

Post 2

El Bandido del Catmint.

Ooops, caught peeping!

smiley - whistle

From Within the WONDERBRA

Post 3

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

Peeping's allowed Catmint! Peeking's what I object too!

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