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hi lorna........

Post 1


Hi hun,
thought i'd surprise you and say hello...;lol. Bet i've caught you out now.I wonder how long it will be before you even notice i've sent you this.Get of your bum and reply as soon as
Perhaps now you might use it abit more and stay off yoome...lmao. No doubt i'll probably see you before you get this so see you soon....
xxx chris xxx.

hi chris

Post 2


boosmiley - biggrinbet your surprised to see this just thought ide say hi im reregistered now lol take a look aok at my page see what you think only prob with th this is that every 1 can see what is said lmao hope your aur all ok see you soon smiley - lovelorna xxxxx

hi chris

Post 3


well perhaps you shud behave urself and put only wot you
it is a surprise that your on....i thought you was'nt going to bother at all. so wot you been up2 then?the usual watching kids....not sure if i mean scott and tony with that...lmao.
t/c and see or chat sooner which ever cums first.
bye hun...xxxx chris xxxx.

hi chris

Post 4


hi hunsmiley - smiley yeah lookin af afta kids,rite betta watch what i say then lmao,wasn't gonna na bother but changed my mind typical woman lol catch you l8a t/csmiley - lovelornaxx

hi chris

Post 5


Hi hun.....
same old usual stuff You must be bored if your back on here twice in 2days. Not doing much myself,just popped on while there's nothing on. Jo stayed in and had an house full. Oh for peace and quiet. Chat l8ers hun...t/c.*LOVE* CHRIS.

hi chris

Post 6


hi hun no not bored just seein if any1 repliedsmiley - biggrinonly you at the you had housefull nowt unusual bout that lol,me just keep gettin soaked oh 4 a car lmao anyway chat l8a smiley - love2 jo n kids t/c smiley - lovelornaxxx

hi chris

Post 7


hi hun,
hows you 2day......strange but it says you and scotts i guess its you as scott never replied. so wot you up2?

hi chris

Post 8


Hi hun,, not been upto much, juust chillin, how bout you? smiley - love to jo and kids, chat or see you soon which ever first lol.
smiley - love Lorna xxx

hi chris

Post 9


HAPPY NEW YEAR....smiley - crackersmiley - cheerssmiley - loveCHRIS.

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