This is the Message Centre for UNICORN

hi lorna

Post 1


hi lorna smiley - smiley
i used 2b on ld 2 with this name n was in the pub room,dont think we ever chatted so hope u dont mind me msging u smiley - huh
hope 2 chat soon Annette smiley - rosesmiley - disco

hi lorna

Post 2


hiya annettesmiley - smileyno i dont think we ever chatted on ld but im always pleased to chat to new people hope you are well and sorry i havent replied before now ive not been on for a again soon t/csmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose lorna

hi lorna

Post 3


hi lorna smiley - smiley
i'm fine smiley - ta
n smiley - ta 4 ur reply,im just waiting 4 the schools 2 open again n i can get rid of the smiley - monster's n get some space 4 a couple of hours smiley - smiley
hope ur keeping well,chat soon Annette smiley - rose


Post 4


hi just got your msgsmiley - smiley im dreading the schools going back again as i look after my 2 g/kids so ill have my hands full lol,still i bet your looking 4ward to it chat soon t/c lornasmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose


Post 5


i cant wait 4 them 2 go back 2 school,they get so bored n end up fighting,n the little1 starts nursery this time 2 so i'll get a couple of hours 2 do what i want smiley - smiley
so get ur kids off ur hands n get the g/kids instead smiley - smiley no rest 4 the wicked smiley - laugh
hope ur smiley - ok
chat soon Annette smiley - rose


Post 6


hi againsmiley - biggrinyour rite there lol didnt realise i was so wickedsmiley - smileybet your glad to b getting a couple of hours to yourself gives you time to wind down a bit anyway chat soon t/csmiley - rose<rosesmiley - roselorna


Post 7


hi lorna smiley - smiley
yeh i'm going 2 use my 2 hours of freedom 2 get myself back in2 shape,i have put on 2 much waight in the last couple of years n not happy with myself...
i can also get the house cleaned a lot better with out worrying about what kyra is up2 smiley - laugh
chat soon t/c smiley - love Annette smiley - rose

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