This is the Message Centre for The Duke of Dunstable

Time DOES exist

Post 1

The Duke of Dunstable

 According to my perception of things, time does exist. Even if
no species were capable of developing tools to
measure it with. As long as items, thingys, stuff, rocks, stones
and suchlike are moving or disintegrated by
friction of some sort, time exists. When everything becomes
absolutely static in universe and whatever is
beyond it, time will no longer exist.

Time DOES exist

Post 2

Jonny Zoom

Ah, so you're of the time = change school of thought.

Time DOES exist

Post 3

The Duke of Dunstable

More of a change=time school sort of a chap. smiley - smiley

Time DOES exist

Post 4

Jonny Zoom

Now then, why does change=time? Surely change=change. Time is a bizarre human concept, and one which I believe not even all humans subscribe to. Anyway I keep telling people that time only became a linear concept with the invention of the calendar, but no one ever believes me. But if time has a shape I think circular definitely has the edge over linear. Hmm I need to think more about circular patterns (seasons, days, moon phases) with actual, rather than man-made, linear trends (change).

What a lot of old rubbish. But I'm with Marcel Proust who had a dim view of time, thinking it was an unstable phenomenon and one which you can get outside of easily enough.

Time DOES exist

Post 5

The Duke of Dunstable

Only in your calendar is time circular. Only in scientists minds is time linear. Only in my wallet can you find the deeper sense of vacuum. And only in american films can you find americans posing as brits.

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