This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan

knock knock

Post 1

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

oooh Im not sure how I got here, but Im here now so hello smiley - smiley

knock knock

Post 2


hello there Mr Wizard smiley - smiley

Now, I live in Staffordshire, so how come I have never heard of you??? smiley - yikes

knock knock

Post 3

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

smiley - cool well to be precise I live in newcastlesmiley - smiley

knock knock

Post 4

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Youve heard of me now thoughsmiley - cool

knock knock

Post 5


LOL Mr Wizard, No I have not heard from you as I am a South Staffs girl you see. A much better class of Staffs folk down here in the south smiley - whistle

knock knock

Post 6

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

hmmm..... a very charming & witty young lady I see smiley - smiley

knock knock

Post 7


Sorry for the delay in replying to you Mr Wizard, I have been busy smiley - smiley I think it is true to say that all the lasses from Staffordshire, be they from north or south, are charming and witty. I live pretty close to Lichfield, a fair city, although a move closer to Tamworth is on the cards. Staffordshire is a most under-rated county, full of lots of wonderful villages and lovely countryside and naturally, the best part about it are the people. Kind, generous and exceedingly handsome smiley - biggrin

Would you be able to cast a spell over the general population of the UK, in order for them to discover that heaven is indeed Staffordshire?

knock knock

Post 8

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

Be careful what you wish for Mags - too many of the rest of us would ruin your green and pleasant land!

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