This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan

who r u

Post 1

Researcher 229051

Hi there who are you,as you have put your name on my friends list.

who r u

Post 2


No I haven't, that is impossible as any nice little hosty person will tell you smiley - smiley

who r u

Post 3

Researcher 229051

well your name is on my list and i didnt put it on there,so i will delete your name then.

who r u

Post 4

MaryMagdalainaPrakatan put my old name on your list, goodness knows why! Something to do with tarts..............

who r u

Post 5

Researcher 229051

Ha ha no i didnt put old name on my list,you put FleetandFree on my list,but ive deleted it,what tarts you on about,tarts that you can eat.

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