This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan


Post 21


This sort of thing is not funny. Now go away and leave this poor girl alone. Maybe she can be saved even if you cannot.


Post 22

Researcher 229051

babes im not a little boy,maybe you are a little girl,i bet im older then you,me go 2 church i dont believe in that rubbish,why 2 the docs.
im only having a laugh up and smiley - smiley


Post 23

Researcher 229051

babes im not a little boy,maybe you are a little girl,i bet im older then you,me go 2 church i dont believe in that rubbish,why 2 the docs.
im only having a laugh cheer up and smiley - smiley


Post 24


To arrange for castration my boy. It is clear that is the only option for filthy perverts like yourself.


Post 25

Researcher 229051

babes i do like you cheek,me a pervert never,you enjoy it,smiley - smiley

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