This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan


Post 1

Researcher 229051

hi babes so you are 18 and never been kissed,well babes i would give you a long lingeringsmiley - kissso i hope you wontsmiley - blush2 much.
i bet i would makesmiley - steamcome out of your ears,also im very good with mysmiley - tongueout,i bet you would get very hot andsmiley - flustered
so where abouts are you from,hers my e-mail addy if you want 2 tell me more about yourself,[email protected]smiley - lovesmiley - kissphil.


Post 2


Do you believe everything that someone tells you on the internet?


Post 3

Researcher 229051

you have got 2 be jokingsmiley - loveim not that stupid.


Post 4

Researcher 229051

you have got 2 be jokingsmiley - loveim not that stupid.


Post 5


...good, because I work for MI5 and I wouldn't want you to get into trouble or anything.


Post 6

Researcher 229051

so you are a spy then,so do you give secrets 2 the russians,MI5 dont scare me at all,so how im i going 2 get into trouble,he,he,he


Post 7


Mr Rod, I know exactly what you are doing due to the latest intelligence technology, I can see you now and it isn't really isn't your colour you know.


Post 8

Researcher 229051

what am i doing then babes,have you got x ray eyes.
whats the colour black got 2 do with it,he,he,he,hers a rose 4 usmiley - rose


Post 9


They are on their way right now. Expect the worst because they don't like it when the gels get messed with. Leave the country now or assume a new identity. This is serious.


Post 10

Researcher 229051

oh babes,you are having a laugh nothing scares me,i would never leave the country i like this country 2 much,he,he,he.


Post 11


Get a new identity then...and QUICK....they are very mean the protectors are, all big with enormous muscles...and that's just the gels.


Post 12

Researcher 229051

well babes as long as you come with them,and you hancuff me 2 you then i will be happy,as long as you are so attractive,yum,yum,yumyum.


Post 13


have you never heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Oh yes and another one, it's the beauty within that counts not the show on the outside smiley - smiley


Post 14

Researcher 229051

well i take it you are a cracher then,so you have the beauty on the inside as well,babes my lips are getting wet,so i wouldnt mind being handcuffed 2 you,dont 4 get 2 bring the whip as wellsmiley - smileysmiley - kiss


Post 15


Goodness Gracious young man and woman. You should be ashamed of yourselves. PURE FILTH. Disgusting.

Hot Rod, if I were your mother, I would use those handcuffs you bandy about to attach you to a whipping post and my goodness me, you would not know what had hit you by the time I had finished.

What would your mothers think?

Oh the shame.


Post 16

Researcher 229051

babes both of my parents are no longer with us.
so you can come and hancuff me 2 the bed and give me a good whipping,as long as you are in yout bra+thngs,yum,yum,yum.


Post 17


Hot Rod, you are beyond the pale. It is possible that if you were whipped a little more often as child you would not be as outrageous as you are now. You are sailing a little close to the wind here my boy. Those sort of games are disgusting and dirty. I suggest a visit to your GP and also to the church to cleanse your soul of your perverted thoughts.


Post 18

Researcher 229051

babes im not a little boy,maybe you are a little girl,i bet im older then you,me go 2 church i dont believe in that rubbish,why 2 the docs.
im only having a laugh up and smiley - smiley


Post 19

Researcher 229051

babes im not a little boy,maybe you are a little girl,i bet im older then you,me go 2 church i dont believe in that rubbish,why 2 the docs.
im only having a laugh up and smiley - smiley


Post 20

Researcher 229051

babes im not a little boy,maybe you are a little girl,i bet im older then you,me go 2 church i dont believe in that rubbish,why 2 the docs.
im only having a laugh up and smiley - smiley

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