This is the Message Centre for Legbreaker

Fan mail

Post 21

El Bandido del Catmint.

smiley - love

Fan mail

Post 22


Well, since you've waited 2 days I have that now, thanks.

Fan mail

Post 23


Well, patience is a vritue and all that, but there IS a limit. I'll just help mself then. smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly Ah, that's better..

Fan mail

Post 24

El Bandido del Catmint.

Cheers me dears smiley - bubbly

So, no more fan-mail then?

Fan mail

Post 25

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

smiley - bubbly

Umm lovely jubbly - I should wash my mouth out.......! smiley - biggrin

Fan mail

Post 26


No, no more fan mail. I may have to change my name to LittleMissOopsISeem tohaveForgottenMy Underwear smiley - smiley

Still - the Flrtings going quite well here, I think?

Fan mail

Post 27

El Bandido del Catmint.


Or how about, "Little Miss anyone for a Tuppeny Upright?" *

* - A type of jam doughnut. T Pratchett.

smiley - whistle

Fan mail

Post 28


Jam doughnut? More of a Tart, surely smiley - smiley

Fan mail

Post 29


Oh dear. This is going very slowly. I better just hitch my skirt up a little...

Fan mail

Post 30

El Bandido del Catmint.

If it would help things along, I could do the same...

Fan mail

Post 31

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Gordon Bennett, Leggy. One minute you're rolling around, getting grass stains all over your skirt and now you're hitching the thing up. Have you no shame? smiley - biggrin

Fan mail

Post 32


Alex - you are right. I think the Sun has been going to my head these past few days. Fortunately it is cooler now so normal decorum will be resumed.

Bandido - I think your skirt looks perfectly well the way it is smiley - smiley

Fan mail

Post 33

El Bandido del Catmint.

Yes, except for the bit at the back that's got caught in my knickers...

Fan mail

Post 34


That's an impressive catch Bandido, seeing as you're wearing a thong...

Fan mail

Post 35

El Bandido del Catmint.

That's not a thong, it's floss...

Fan mail

Post 36


Well, in that case please don't tell me what you're using to clean your teeth....

Fan mail

Post 37

El Bandido del Catmint.


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