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phoning it in
Kate Started conversation Nov 12, 2000
I have to get to work. I procrastinated all day yesterday and then woke up late's like being back in college!
On a very bright side, I had a great conversation with my older sister yesterday. It was good to catch up with what she's doing, and she gave me some solid advice on my current dilemma as well.
Liz, on the other hand, has run out of minutes on her cell phone until the 16th, and I miss her.
And other than that life goes on...which is always great news!
phoning it in
an apple tree Posted Nov 15, 2000
my life goes on fruit loops. that's all it takes, but the only thing that will make it go.
what do you use?
could you make any recomendations that might get me off 51% sugar breakfast cereals?
phoning it in
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 15, 2000
Well, whatever it is we invent I think we should call it TREEPETROL. "Keeps tree goin' all daggon day!" should be our motto.
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phoning it in
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