This is the Message Centre for Kate

hurry UP!!!

Post 1


We cannot make it go.
Oh, the quotes site is giving me such a headache. All I've done today is...wait...

oh no, not again

Post 2


Server just crapped out on me. Again.
It's sort of like cheering for a really, really slow football team...I just sit there hoping it will run the script before dying. And it hasn't finished, all day.
It's enough to drive a person into the real world. smiley - winkeye

oh no, not again

Post 3


The real world?! Oh, no. Quick, before she loses her mind, get her back here. smiley - winkeye

it's a bit late for that

Post 4


I'm back. The real world is cold and snowy at present.
As for the not losing the mind thing, no guarantees there smiley - winkeye

it's a bit late for that

Post 5

beetle, return of

I keep losing things in my dresser. Many small drawers, many many small things to put into them. If i see an extra mind, i'll let you two know.

it's a bit late for that

Post 6


Well, if you're like me, you have your mind backed up on disk somewhere. smiley - winkeye

it's a bit late for that

Post 7


I *knew* I bought that zip drive for a reason!

it's a bit late for that

Post 8

beetle, return of

Shouls i be worried if i backed up onto one 3.5"?


Post 9


I bought a Jaz and now my mind is rolling around in it like one of those little balls you have to get in the right hole.

Kate, I will always remember a "Syspro" at work who had a really, really stupid idea. We had gotten a bigger more powerful mainframe and the response time was wonderful! Finally we were getting to actually remember what our train of thought was when the response to the prior entry came back. It was bliss to not be sitting there taking a drag off a cigarette and timing the response and wondering what you had meant to do next. And this - uh, erm - person - this Vogon of a person - instituted a MINIMUM response time. Thus if the computer had gotten back to us in under 1 second he wanted it to wait to put the response out for something more like 5 seconds. His reasoning was that if response time was EVER good then us consumers of computer resources would always want it that way and complain when it wasn't and then syspros like him would have to respond to our complaints.

I forget why I told that story - I shudder just to remember it. He won for a while. But then we prevailed. But it was always something.


Post 10


Um, that's ridiculous. Minimum response time, that would be, well, that would be very vogonish indeed. smiley - winkeye

Jaz and Zip aren't very reliable places to put your mind; best just to get a real hard drive for it. smiley - winkeye

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