This is the Message Centre for Kate

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 1


New journal entry. I wish I could think of something to write besides "it's really cold" and "boy I like coffee, I just wish I weren't wide awake at 3:45am" ... but I can't ...

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 2


Er, make that 6:45am. Hmm.

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 3


Gee, my alarm was ringing by then, but I hadn't managed to turn on the computer until about an hour later...

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 4

beetle, return of

Sounds like old times...

good thing your job doesn't require clocking in at 6:30 am

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 5


I like being alive, but lying on the ground outside watching the stars and falling asleep on the front lawn at 10pm doesn't really appeal either.

Perhaps I just need more coffee...

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 6


Doesn't *everyone* need more coffee?

This message brought to you by the Campaign to Make the World a Happier Place smiley - smiley

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 7


Speaking of that, it's time to go and make one...

*This message brought to you by the campaign for the Realisation that the World IS a Happier Place - at least than we usually conceive it to be...smiley - winkeye!*

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 8


Ah, clearly the cup is half-full this week. Good to see.

something has to be done, but nothing too original

Post 9


Am I THAT notoriously depressive...smiley - bigeyes?

*flits away, caffeinated and twitching, resolving to make happiness a behavioural creed... the "Bushido of happiness"smiley - winkeye?*

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