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Deb's NaJoPoMo 28.11.11 - Nearly there

Post 1


Only two more days to go! I think I'm gonna make it.

I'm very disappointed that I've hardly managed to read any of the many journals posted during the month. The snippits I have managed to read have been funny, inspiring, moving, thought-provoking - so many different emotions played out in so many different styles.  I do plan to read them all eventually - maybe over my nice long Xmas holiday.

The one question which has nagged me throughout this whole process is - why is the "add a journal entry" right at the bottom of the journal section, making me scroll down, rather than at the top?

Deb smiley - cheerup

Deb's NaJoPoMo 28.11.11 - Nearly there

Post 2

Researcher 14993127

Which skin are you using Deb? Its at the top in Brunel. smiley - smiley

smiley - cat

Deb's NaJoPoMo 28.11.11 - Nearly there

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I think there are some journals that I am going to miss, so I really hope that you keep one or two going Deb? maybe not adding a separate one each day, but just add to an existing one.

smiley - smiley

Deb's NaJoPoMo 28.11.11 - Nearly there

Post 4


BMT, that might explain things - I'm in Goo. And I'd rather the very minor annoyance of having to scroll down than lose my beloved blue background smiley - love

Deb smiley - cheerup

Deb's NaJoPoMo 28.11.11 - Nearly there

Post 5


Aw thanks Lanza. I am planning to keep up posting, when I actually have something to say!

(And I haven't forgotten my plan to pop over to peer review sometimes either).

Deb smiley - cheerup

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