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Deb's NaJoPoMo 26.11.11 - Bleurgh

Post 1


Today has been all about the sickness & diarrhea. Nice, eh? I woke up to it at 5.30 this morning and was gutted as I was going shopping with my mum later.

This is the third weekend of her chemo cycle which means it’s the one where she has the most energy. My stepdad takes the car to work on a Saturday morning so she had no transport and would have been so disappointed to be housebound when she was feeling well enough to be out and about. Not that she let on, of course, but I felt bad about it anyway.

So, short journal today. I’m pretty sure no-one’s gonna want to share the details with me! I feel fine now, though. I’ve even just managed to drag myself out for a short walk with the dog (bless him, the weekend’s all about longer walks in daylight and mom stayed in bed all day!). I feel like I could eat a horse now, but I think I’ll wait a bit and have some scrambled eggs and a slice of toast later.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Deb's NaJoPoMo 26.11.11 - Bleurgh

Post 2

Researcher 14993127

Hope you feel better soon. smiley - hug

smiley - cat

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Deb's NaJoPoMo 26.11.11 - Bleurgh

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