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Deb's NaJoPoMo 23.11.11 - Books Part 3

Post 1


Even as I child I loved to read. Enid Blyton books were favourites – Famous Five and Secret Seven stories were always so exciting. I remember quite a number of Rupert the Bear picture books too, hard back yellow books.

Apparently I was slow to start reading, I’m told I had a really good memory and instead of reading a story I would just memorise it. My mum accidentally turned two pages once and I “read” what was on the previous, missed page! But once I got going there was no stopping me.

My second favourite book when I was pre & early teen was Heidi by Johanna Spyri. I read it repeatedly, and I was always a bit scared at Chapter 8, which is the one with the “ghost”. I still have the book and read it a year or so ago, enjoying the trip down memory lane. One of the things which always struck me about the story was Heidi drinking goats milk from a bowl. For some reason, to this day, when I’ve had a bowl of cereal, I finish the milk off by drinking it from the bowl and I always feel like Heidi.

My most favourite book, however, was Lottie & Lisa by Erich Kastner. I read this book so much it fell apart. It’s the book the film The Parent Trap is based on. I remember the last time I read it I had to first of all sellotape the spine as it had completely gone. It must have been thrown out after that as I no longer have it, although looking for the name of the author I found the exact version I used to own and ordered it for 1p + £2.79 P&P from Amazon – don’t you just love modern technology? Think about it – oh, it’s bought. I've just finished reading it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Every illustration brought a thrill of recognition.

On the subject of modern technology, I'm still undecided about whether or not to get a Kindle. I really don't think this experience would have been so nostalgic in e-ink, although that question is academic really as the book isn't currently available in that format.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Deb's NaJoPoMo 23.11.11 - Books Part 3

Post 2

You can call me TC

smiley - book

Deb's NaJoPoMo 23.11.11 - Books Part 3

Post 3

Metal Chicken

I'm very attached to my kindle but I agree with you that you wouldn't have had the same memory trip without the smell and feel of paper.


Deb's NaJoPoMo 23.11.11 - Books Part 3

Post 4


I reckon I read everything Enid Blyton wrote..she was my favourite by far.


Just William...and a lot of funny old fashioned stuff I got from my parents. All their Annuals. I preferred the boys ones though.

But my mother had some wicked stuff that her mother had given her.

I reckon I read 'Sylvia's Victory' around 10 times. It was about an all girls school and another girl took a big dislike to Sylvia, and was horrible to her all the time until one day she got into difficulties swimming and Sylvia saved her life. They got to be bosom pals after that. If I'm honest it was a bit Lesbian smiley - snork

Deb's NaJoPoMo 23.11.11 - Books Part 3

Post 5


Good subject deb. It's got me thinking about all that. smiley - ok

Deb's NaJoPoMo 23.11.11 - Books Part 3

Post 6


smiley - devil

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