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Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Researcher 232059 Started conversation Jul 30, 2003
tomorrow will be seven whole weeks since i last dyed my hair. which also means its been seven weeks since i finished college as the last time i dyed my hair was the day before the college closed n i bleached my hair n streaked it blue n red...
anywayz, today my hair shall return to the colour it should be naturally... PINK!!!!!! yay yay
*LuLah Gets Very Excited*
i also bought today while i woz out, a black n pink checked webbed belt and four cds... these were(Dont dare laugh! or i will! teehee):
Republica ~ Republica
No Doubt ~ Return Of Saturn
Spineshank ~ Height Of Callousness
Kittie ~ Oracle
dont ask ok?! lmao xxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Jul 30, 2003
ooooh! yaay! do u do your own hair pink sweetie or does sum1 else help/do it for u?
another belt? more CD's?! too lucky!lolxxxxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Researcher 232059 Posted Jul 30, 2003
actually mah mommy does my hair, n has done all along! ive only dyed mah hair myself once... lol
suppose my ikkle collection is of button badges n belts! ive got loads! erm, a rainbow webbed belt, my new one, a 2 row pyramid one, a 3 row black prymid one, a purple plastic one, apink webbed one wiv darker pink skulls n crossbones on it, a pink/black/white ribbon belt, a plain black one, one wiv spikes... *LuLah Thinks...That Might Be All...* lol xxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Jul 30, 2003
awwww thats nice of your mommy! my mam did my hair once and turned it black(for some strange reason black looks awful on me)xxx
gosh! i've got a few belts but they aint as funky as rainbow webbed ones for gods sake!lolxxxxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Researcher 232059 Posted Aug 2, 2003
yeh, it is! i culdnt do it myself prob newayz! lol but she always makes a good job ov my hair!
aawwww d'ya not suit black then, i do, well sumtimes! depends, i prefere my hair blonde or pink!
teehee ive also got a see thru plastic one wiv pink uv rubber spikes on it! lol i luv belts!
shame, i dont even really wear the rainbow one nemore... i shuld!
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Aug 2, 2003
ooooh! maybe your mommy missed her vocation as a hairdresser?!
hmmmm Shania twain's "That Dont Impress Me Much" just came on... i lurrrrve that catsuit, n coat, n massive vanity case!...
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Researcher 232059 Posted Aug 4, 2003
oooh! ive been spottin(no pun intended) lots of leopard print stuff!
the front cover of Kittie's first a;bum 'Spit' is leopard print... a pic of nancy spungen ive got she's wearin leopard print shorts(or is it a skirt hmmm)... erm, tis everywhere aint it?! lol
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Aug 5, 2003
tis blimmin fab tho isnt it?!hmmmm i was shoppin 2day but i didny get ne leopard-print... *sob*... im still lookin for a leopard-print scarf...
ooooh yaay! the new manics album is leopard-print tooxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Researcher 232059 Posted Aug 6, 2003
yeh, i noticed that on the album! teehee!!
oooh it has 2 b everywhere! u'll hav 2 get leopard print underwear also! and... stiletto boots *LuLah Realises She's Taking It All A Bittie Far*
tis weird coz im lookin out for lepoard print now, whereas b4, i looked n looked right past! xx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Aug 6, 2003
no leopard-print boots are good! particularly when they r hellfire style!u have to go back in2 that shop soon... how long has it been ?!
i know what u mean! i've been noticin cow-print everywhere too cuz of u!lolxxxxxx xxxxxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Researcher 232059 Posted Aug 7, 2003
lmao we've got a bad influence on one another!!! teehee *LuLah Dances Around*
cow print is great tho!!!
yeh, im really gonna hav 2 get a really sluty leopard print top tho!! n a throw for mah bed!! that wuld b dead pretty! tis wont suit mah fushia pink room tho! teehee
oooH! tis been too long since i woz last in glasgow... im needin 2 go thru, mind u, i need money...n if i get mah results on tues n they r fine then im gonna b ok 4 money! so lots of shoppin sprees!!!
actually. i'll b skint til after chrissy but nevermind! teeheexxxxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Aug 7, 2003
no we r good influences on each other! "Clairey dances along"
oh! i was watching a programme about celebrity girls behaving badly or summat like that and this slutty kiss-and-tell girl called Alyssa DuVall had a leopard-print throw on her bed! it was fabby and she called it her shagpad!xxx
yeah! u have to come in2 glasgow and go shoppiN! flip and hellfire are missin u Lulah!...
is it your bursary from college that will keep u going or do u get money for passing exams?xxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Researcher 232059 Posted Aug 8, 2003
yeh! sluts leopard print!!!! teehee
i woznt impressed wiv Flip in glasgow, the one in edinburgh is so much better!
ok, hellfire woz quite groovy! lol
it'll b mah bursery n loan that'll keep me going, n 2day when i woz in claires accessories for the millionth n one time, the woman who served me who must b like the manager or summet woz sayin im in there more than her staff n i said i shuld get a job in there n she said that wuld b a good idea... we were just jokin but i hope i get a job in there... i need a job, im spent all mah bursery/loan money in mah head! lol n it wont last til the end of this month! teehee xxxxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Aug 8, 2003
there's a Flip in Edinburgh?! i didny know that!"Claire thinks of a way to get in2 Edinburgh"... hmmmmm
ooooh! a job in Claire's would be good eh? i got everytin in there for my prom except my dress and shoes!.
oh and back to the topic of this thread... i just had to put a deep conditioning thing in my hair cuz all this hot weather has dried th ends out!... its nice and smooth again now thoxxxxxx
Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Aug 8, 2003
oopsi! accidentally unsubscribed from this conversation!... stupid digibox keeps freezing thats why...
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Aaaahh! LuvLy piNk STuff!!
- 1: Researcher 232059 (Jul 30, 2003)
- 2: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Jul 30, 2003)
- 3: Researcher 232059 (Jul 30, 2003)
- 4: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Jul 30, 2003)
- 5: Researcher 232059 (Aug 2, 2003)
- 6: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Aug 2, 2003)
- 7: Researcher 232059 (Aug 4, 2003)
- 8: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Aug 5, 2003)
- 9: Researcher 232059 (Aug 6, 2003)
- 10: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Aug 6, 2003)
- 11: Researcher 232059 (Aug 7, 2003)
- 12: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Aug 7, 2003)
- 13: Researcher 232059 (Aug 8, 2003)
- 14: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Aug 8, 2003)
- 15: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Aug 8, 2003)
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