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N1NJ4. Started conversation Jun 29, 2003
Congrats on being from Kansas.
I am from the lovely city of Manhattan which means I should hate you. Luckily I don't believe in watching sports.
Thanks for the resturaunt guide, its very usefull to me as I will be in Lawrence tomorrow.
Ted Posted Jun 30, 2003
Well, I'm glad you don't hate people from Lawrence, because we don't hate people from Manhattan, we hate people from Columbia, LOL. Well, if you happen to dine at one of our fine establishments here, let me know what you think of your experience. My journal entry is just a basis for what is to become a larger project and entry for the guide, but I hope it gave you a good idea of the places to avoid. Enjoy Lawrence!
N1NJ4. Posted Jul 1, 2003
Yeah, what are your thoughts on the mad greek? The few times I have been there I have enjoyed it.
Ted Posted Jul 2, 2003
My feelings on the Mad Greek are that for starters, they are very overpriced for what you get. I know that in the past they were very good, and people always wanted me to go, so I did. The first time I went it wasn't very good, but I figured, hey, they might be having an off day. The second time I went, it was worse. I haven't given them a 3rd try. My advice is if you're in the mood for Mediterranean food, I would go to the Aladdin Cafe down on Mass. I think they have the best food for the price. I don't know though, I mean Mad Greek has some pretty good looking specialties, like the flaming cheese, but I never felt like dishing out the money for it. If you happen to go there, let me know how it was, it's been a while since I've been there and things change. Perhaps they got the message that people weren't coming in as often and they decided to change, it happened with King Buffet. My personal advice for the best bet for something different and good at a reasonable price would be either India Palace, if you happen to be in town for lunch, or Thai House for dinner. I hope this helps.
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