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A Poet Fashions Passion

Post 1

logicus tracticus philosophicus

This is how the merciless poet,
he who is romantic but can only show it With words of love wings of dove ,
verging on the virginal subliminal yes;
He may hint of the glint that flits past his eye
when he looks in his books
For that inference reference to unearthly pleasure that treasure that caress
And you sat there reading ,
Heart bleeding in side as he confides of the break

Within his ,of how his love was plundered when he first blundered in love

So coquettishly this poet seduced by a poetess confesses
How pressed flesh feels when the seeds spills from a passionate embrace
Face to face toe to toe
So light headed was he that naught did he see but the moon some stars afar
And then he felt he must discuss the intimate touch the soft caress of hair and tresses
Tumbling locks those little things
That rock your socks off ;blown more like
And as you groan insides growing wild and escaping free from the belly
Down to back of knee
Quivering little shivers those pleasure givers those showers
That glow as they go slow to whoa

From deep within skin begins to perspire with wet fire

Yet the merciless poet won’t know it so he sits awaiting maybe contemplating other ways
Of play
Understands he other means of showing you scenes of passion after a fashion he decides

To confide
On how it feels to be kissed in such a way the whole world sways as his insides glide does he decide ?
For now shes a celebrity he`s Just a velleity with ,a touch of exegesis.-ety


With each flick of your tongue on his teeth ,beneath his lips he tastes temptations sweet
And those fingers as they linger on the back of the neck connect to feeling like string Within
As they travel down his back .He felt under attack not fearful but about to explode
May those the six hundred would they have trembled like this as they rode not like this

His insides all throbbing since those fingers were robbing his senses defences all strewn like ruins his body though whole and yet if he must explain
Felt like it was shooting out of him like rain but the fluidity of this emotion this emotive explosion to

A poet pressed against a poetess more fountain like a rocket into space as it passed that done for smile affixed on his face serene serendipity

Since the poet was shown no mercy then
why should he give it as he in his excitement again and again try to explain in words that are so earthly so normal a situation so stimulating;

The whole of his body felt like it was igniting ,spasms of feeling climbed higher and higher just like the flames from the coals in the fire

All warm and nestled next to one another,
But incandesces spark like a dart jumps now and again
From the heart to the head a electricity maybe, or
A tidal surge these urges leaping from all sides
From outside within then back out again.

As those soft lips kiss him those digits that fidget then slide and glide ,
Glistening the poet speechless lying listening to insides jiving surviving

This sort of ride a dipper tripping skipping jumping pumping gripping
heart stopping dripping

All those heartbeats miss placed thoughts raced as they trace a path down slow from your face lower and lower till the thrill of the touch the tingles those finger so gracile tactile tempered tempters all the while the poet smiles
For still within his skin is opening and those strokes a stroking make your trousers to tight so as you fight with your fantasies

She sees this then just for the thrill squeezes so swiftly and smiles as you spill those seeds that need is satisfied once again .But then again maybe for a encore. the poet will just
Roll over and explore some more

A Poet Fashions Passion

Post 2


Three pleasant experiences this beautiful day, here is the much promised sun, my wife's birthday, again! and another classic piece of work from Logicus.

Read once for the experience,twice to gain knowledge and a sense of direction, the third for pleasure.

Thanks Bob, have a good day too.

Cheers H.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - runsmiley - magic

A Poet Fashions Passion

Post 3

logicus tracticus philosophicus

wish her a good day (and give her a extra hug), from me then Harold ,lets hope the summers here to stay

A Poet Fashions Passion

Post 4


Thanks Bob,

Cheers H.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - runsmiley - magic

A Poet Fashions Passion

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - wow"Read once for the experience,twice to gain knowledge and a sense of direction, the third for pleasure." - LMScott

I could not say it any better because I do the same.
It's ltp smiley - magic

A Poet Fashions Passion

Post 6


Hi Abbi,

Another playful little cruise through these great words this lovely morning, and today I am toying with the logic of the gallant six hundred and the love that they would never see nor feel,but only fear,desperation and a very early death.

Credit for the words, once, twice and thrice is not my due, they are also the words and direction of Logicus.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - runsmiley - magic

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