This is the Message Centre for logicus tracticus philosophicus

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Post 1

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Long cold piers
diamond pillars
Weeping willows
Downwards drops
To earth and upwards
beneath emotions motion

locomotive slow grow
h2o go show
exfoliation drips
in bits and sits
silent saliently
solent sentries
Frozen air on gantries

Startic Artic

Post 2


Done it again Bob, and I am still learning, going to become quite educated in time.

I love these short poems full of meaning and interpretations that I have finally learned to see, like a painting or indeed a story at the third reading.

As usual your little piece sent my brain off at a tangent, made me think deeply, and superb memories sprang to mind.

Other readers, will probably see many memories of their own within such words and I sincerely hope so. I think I will try to jot down a few words of the disturbed information gently surfacing once more, from the furthest corners of the rusting brain.

I would not even dream of faulting your work, BUT! I only managed to see the light with this one by sticking a few commas in a few places.

Thanks again for all the help from you and T.T.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

Cheers H.

Startic Artic

Post 3


Treasured Memories.

Locomotive fast and slow, latent powers always show!

And blasted ash, where does it go?

Falling showers light the night.

Drying grasses then ignite.

And burning bushes, what a shame!

Careless Drivers take the blame.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - run

Startic Artic

Post 4

logicus tracticus philosophicus

chew ,chew , choo ,choo ,Well you only get so many commas to the Lb ,my trouble is normaly use to many.

See you found its parent ,the one that you left is evocative and also paints a nice picture ,a steam train going through the lake district

See your computer skills are coming on ,just read the post thread hope shazz keeps on doing it ,its like the punch or vizz closing its doors sort of like going in to reform club and finding tatler on the table.

Meant to drop you a line the other at the begining of the month ,re your
mummers celebration ,had to smile wondering what would happen if the police tried redirection the moterbike invasion ,we wont go in to the fire on the beach ,must get on catch you later.

Startic Artic

Post 5


Thanks for the replies and the info, the police have realised that they made a mistake with overkill on our mummer's old lady and children fans, lack of knowledge really. To be blunt they just did not know their job and fear rules as to what may happen, in this case all they needed to do was take a day off.

Appreciate the links too, the bonfire is good, but perhaps you did not know that I am still a biker, loved the Norton. I have a Honda Hornet, revs to 16000 revs and goes like smoke off a shovel.

We have our own motor bike show in August usually at Rawtenstall Lancs, two great days and bikers come from all over the country. Police usually do a great job, close off the town centre to all traffic except bikes.They can get it right sometimes, we have had it for a few years now, there has never been one single problem with the bikers in all the times it has been organised.

Cheers H.

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