This is the Message Centre for logicus tracticus philosophicus

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 1

logicus tracticus philosophicus

From: Get Writing
Date: 03/29/05 09:24:15
Subject: ContentRemovedEmail

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cal a mines fine i find

Guide Entry:

Dappled sunlight playfully playing in shadows,
Effortlessly following sun trails, to the ends of the earth
Never getting to far ahead of the game, same time of day
Displays of mimicry , hidden in the shrubbery ,lurks
The green eyed monster jealousy , for beginners,
Envy in the poison ivy ,clambering for dizzy heights,
In the hope of reconnaissance , making sense ,of the senseless.

And in scratching those itches ,raises mountains from molehills,
We seem to forget the first instance, stood in the , shadows scratching
The raw surface just seen. In the corner of the eye, not seen but imagine.
Image in mind ,unkind we find , the colour blinds , if we don’t unwind,
The grinding of gritted teeth, beneath ,angst , wears on more than just the

Enactment of misplaced attachments , ground down ,facial frowns , frozen
Scenarios remembered, in techno colour . Smothering emotion ,evoking
Screams and themes, from Hitchcock seems a use-full place to start the
Heart on the road to recovery , smothering the itches scratching eyes
From the bitches ,dogs on the heath in heat,
how hot burn the fires of passion now.......

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Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 2

logicus tracticus philosophicus

well well well ,and look at these posts as well

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 3

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - sigh

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 4

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

*mumbles quietly*

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 5


Ah... thats because its all connected underneath the layers of skin.

There are pathways within pathways.

Blood flows against gravity.

smiley - cheers

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 6


Hi Cadd,

I don't know about the gravity bit, but blood certainly flows, irrespective, I know I have lost quite a bit over the years and some of that seemed to defy gravity.

Hope all is well with you and yours,

Cheers H.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 7


Ah, Hi.

Sorry to hear that. I try to keep hold of my blood cos you never know when you might need it.

Nearly lost various bits of me though, including my head, fingers, leg whilst doing silly things at sea.

Good to find you are still about.

smiley - cheers

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 8


Thanks Cadd,
You too,
I have a couple of bits missing too, half a thumb, carelessly left it in a mad dog's molars, when pulling off it one poor fellow's throat.
Half a big toe, this one down to a flymo that chased me down the field when I was cutting the lovely (r**d.)Green grass.

I sent the wife down the field to find the bit that was missing, waited patiently, well nearly, with a bandage filled with ice ready to receive it.

But when she came back, I said impatiently, " Well did you find it." and she said, " Yes, but it was all dirty, so I buried it."
All to the good really, because a brilliant doctor at Rochdale Infirmary, cut a bit of the top on my thigh, stuck it over the end of the toe, where the other bit was missing,it now has grown back naturally and it is just as long as the other one.

Good job the wife never did what she was told,innit.

Cheers H.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 9


Good story!

I got roped into performing an operation behind a screen on the flight deck of a frigate. It was a shadow thing giving the appearance of removing a cucumber and two tomatoes from the nether regions of a poor sailor. My side of the screen - the sailor was well in front of me and I was chopping onto a board with a meat cleaver.

Hmmm. Had had a few beers.

I swung the meat cleaver. It came down fast and bounced off the bone of my thumb severing the tendons. Blood spurted out. My assistant fainted. The crowd, oblivious to what was actually going on cheered and roared. It was the best thing they had seen all night.

The First Lieutenant was quickly on the scene and put out an emergency call for the doctor -- 'at the rush' . Of course the doctor was already involved, being both the victim and culprit.

The command were briefly baffled, but the physical training instructor stepped in and whacked a field dressing onto the wound. 'To the sick bay', he said.

Meanwhile, taking advantage of everyone being occupied on the flight deck, my medical assistant had locked himself in the sick bay with a crate of booze. By the time the emergency occurred he was well sozzled and virtually incoherent. He promptly refused to let anyone in including the captain.

I refused to let him have a go at a repair.

We were in convoy with two other ships and another doc I knew well came across to have a go repairing my hand. We studied the anatomy books and whilst I breathed laughing gas he tried stitching the tendon ends to a nerve I think.

Anyway after the intervention of a third doc and having my whole arm paralysed for a week (ooops) the job eventually got done.

And the thumb is still attached and works - hurrah.

smiley - alesmiley - ale

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 10


Good thread this innit,

Cadd you were very lucky, I went to the hospital, blue lights, yellow flashing lights and sirens, this time it was not my finger, nor my own thumb on the button.

And this time, my thumb from the first joint, was cleaned up, packed in ice and carefullly placed in a plastic bag before the long journey started at emergency speed.

I walked into the hospital ward and a sarcastic nurse, said, " Well where is this great emergency." I just said "Here" and put half of my thumb in her hand. When we picked her up off the nice clean floor, we had to take her into a side ward for a cup of tea.

Unfortunately micro surgery was a bit new and it did not repair properly, it was too badly crushed, and after about four days it had to be taken off again. Very litle problem though the bottom bit works fine.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 11


Lads comparing gruesome stories!!!! Love it!!

Don't have any myself. My old dog, however, once got his tail trapped in the door. He ran around the hall howling and we realised that the tip of his tail was bleeding and spraying blood all over the walls, carpet, stairs. It looked like a slaughter house.

How are you all? I like it here. The reviewing I am getting for poems is very good. Constructive and considered. Can't flood the market with them but I am thinking about branching out and starting to write 'articles' now.


Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 12

logicus tracticus philosophicus

yup tis a good thread and the beauty of it is its on my home page ,spidey glad to see that you are getting good feed back ,allthough this part of the many boards is more higgldy piggeldy than GW there is always something that can be found to stimulate or just pass the time, and quite a few people wh will stop and help you if your haveingg difficulty, net step to improve your cut n paste skills or learn
Guide ML the mark up lnquage used here.

Cad H , enjoyed reading those snippets ,fancinating how we look on the insides and the fact that we always must look at those gory bits when accidents like that happen I once sliced open a large part of the palm
of my hand and still can see what the insides looked like haveing spent most of the bus journy to the hospital lifting up the flap of skin to take another peek, and also amazed when watching a operation done on a cat ,managed to wangle a ring side seat as the cat in question was a hermaphodite tha was in for spaying and neutering and it was fascinating to see the internal organs look just like they do down at the butchers shop well with a little more colour. ah a well back to it

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 13


Go for it ali.

nice to see you.

Cheers H.

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 14


Hi logicus,

What do mean spidey, gory bits, thems the good times snow almost humerous!! I did say almost!

Having a trick memory enabled me to put those really terrible sights to the back of my mind, when you have seen such things, memories are no longer sweet.

Cheers H.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - runsmiley - magic

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 15


Howdy guys and Spider, just thought I would pop in to the gruesome twosome thread.smiley - biggrin Glad to see you are all finding some sort of refuge on this site, must admit I did miss the smilies and that may have been part and parcel of me coming back this waysmiley - oksmiley - cheers

Oh! And the company, goes without saying hey!

Serindippidy smiley - dogsmiley - hug

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 16

logicus tracticus philosophicus

well good morning to you ,or is it evening i,m just off myself soon another early morning 4am smiley - bat

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 17


Afternoon actually log! 1.37pm Sunday arvo. Very windy and wild outside, cool change, been very hot here recently. Are you an Insomniac Log? Catch you around, Serinsmiley - dogsmiley - smiley

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 18


Despite the fluctuating time clocks, facinating as it may be,and the early morning pain in the head from trying to work out exactly where our great friends really are at the moment.

I will just say that it is, "yes wait for it." on a lovely Spring morning here in good old beautiful Lancashire England.

Yet even here, there are forces at work trying to destroy one of the traditionl local pleasures of Easter Time.

For more than one hundred and fifty years the Britannia Coco-nut Dancers, traditional Morris Dancers, renowned world-wide have danced the boundaries of Bacup Town.

They danced from one Inn, Public House and Tavern to another from one extreme corner of the Borough to another, with a pint of good old cask brewed English ale supplied free of charge by the publicans, to replace the sweat that poured off them.

They supplied their own efficient traffic control, with a local police officer at the back of the dancers and one at the front. The grateful public gave cash generously to the charity collections and never in known memory has their been any problems.

Yet this Easter Monday it really happened, the police being no longer local bobbies, moved in with full battle gear at the ready, and stopped them from dancing in the streets, now they have been relegated to car parks and pavements only.

Now that really takes the biscuit.!!!!!!


smiley - sadface

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 19


Would not that be takes the eccles cake Lm ?smiley - smiley

Now that takes...the biscuit

Post 20


Hi Serin. Shame about the Morris dancers H. We have a hop festival here at the end of august with about forty Morris sides, weird alien things on stilts, lots of stalls and bands. The whole town gets puddled and a right good time is had by all!
Lovely day here in Kent. Washing breezing on the line, hub just hoovering the car, and he washed the windows for me...(got his conjugals last night!!)HAAAAAA.

I wish some of you would make your way over to Great Writing where I am a mod. Its slow going at the moment.

There is a competition to win a holiday in france, every piece of work posted until the end of April is eligible.

There is some very high quality writing on there so far.

Link is here on my space.

This place is huge! Still stumbling around finding all sorts of gems.

smiley - spider

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